Final Fantasy VIJ

System: Super Nintendo Entertainment System (a.k.a. SNES or Super Nintendo) and also Playstation

Release Date (Japan for SNES): 1994
Re-release Date (Japan for Playstation): March 11, 1999
Re-release Date (Japan's Anthologies): Winter 1998
Release Date (US): October 1994
Re-release Date (US's Anthologies):Fall 1999

Estimated play length for those minimal players: More than you payed for
Estimated play length for extras: Too much too do, too little time. Basically doing enough for another adventure itself.
Estimated final levels for beginners:55 to 80 levels.


NameMP UseDescription
Cure5 MPRecovers a small amount of HP
Cure 225 MPRecovers a large amount of HP
Cure 340 MPRecovers an enormous amount of HP
Remedy15 MPCures all ailments
Life15 MPRevives wounded ally
Life 260 MPRevives and completely restores ally's HP
Life 350 MPWhen ally dies, ally is automatically revived
Antdot3 MPCures poison

Offensive Magic

NameMP UseDescription
Ice5 MPWeak Ice-typed attack
Ice 221 MPStronger Ice-typed attack
Ice 352 MPStrongest Ice-typed attack
Bolt6 MPWeak Lightning-typed attack
Bolt 222 MPStronger Lightning-typed attack
Bolt 352 MPStrongest Lightning-typed attack
Fire4 MPWeak Fire-typed attack
Fire 220 MPStrong Fire-typed attack
Fire 351 MPHeavy Fire-typed attack
Flare45 MPFire-typed damage that gets through all barriers
Merton85 MPUltimate Fire-typed attack
Pearl40 MPPowerful Holy/Pearl-typed magic
Poison3 MPweak Poison-typed damage that can poison
Bio26 MPStong Poison-typed damage that can poison
Drain10 MPAbsorbs HP from one enemy
Demi17 MPPossibility of reducing one enemy's HP by 1/2
Quatr48 MPPossibility of reducing enemy's HP to 1/4
Quake50 MPStrong Earth-typed attack (Attacks allies as well)
Break25 MPTurns opponent into stone
Doom35 MPKills enemy if successful
X-Zone53 MPKills enemy if successful, possible for each one.
Meteor62 MPExtreme damage to all enemies
Ultima80 MPUltimate Magic attack spell.
Effect Magic

NameMP UseDescription
Haste10 MPDoubles one ally's speed
Haste 238 MPDoubles all allies' speed
Slow5 MPHalves one enemies speed
Slow 226 MPHalves all enemies' speed
Stop10 MPIf successful, enemy is unable to do anything
Float17 MPMakes target float
Mute8 MPPrevents enemy from using magic if successful
Sleep5 MPPuts target to sleep
Muddle8 MPIf successful, confuses opponent
Imp10 MPTransform victim into/cure imp
Vanish18 MPAlly becomes invisible (Immune to physical, but 100% hit from magic damage)
Rflect22 MPReflects magic casted on one ally
Shell15 MPReduces magic damage
Safe12 MPReduces physical damage
Dispel25 MPEliminates all status effects on one opponents
Rasp12 MPWeakens magic damage caused by victim
Osmose1 MPAbsorbs MP from one enemy
Bserk16 MPAlly constantly attacks with full force
Scan3 MPScans information on the enemy
Warp20 MPTeleports out of battle or to a town
Main Goal:Destroy the Empire then the "Mastermind" Kefka.

Main Enemy:Kefka and Getahl.

Modes of Transportation:Walk, Setzer's Airship, and Falcon.

Extras: Too much too list, everything still not completely proven.

Others:Last Final Fantasy game for SNES. Final Fantasy game still being thoroughly tested. Many rumors still exist about this game.

All Chracters are Copyright of SquAreSoft/Square. All Screen names are posted, unless the "owner" would also like his/her name posted too.

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