Final Fantasy IV

System: Super Nintendo Entertainment System (a.k.a. SNES or Super Nintendo) and also Playstation

Release Date (Japan for SNES): 1991
Re-release Date (Japan for Playstation): March 1997 Release Date (US): November 1991

Estimated play length for those minimal players: A good complete adventure
Estimated play length for extras: A lot, mostly annoying and difficult to get
Estimated final levels for beginners:60 to 80 levels.


NameMP UseDescription
Cure3 MPRecovers a small amount of HP
Cure 29 MPRecovers a large amount of HP
Cure 318 MPRecovers an enormous amount of HP
Cure 440 MPRecovers all or most of HP
Peep1 MPLook at information about the Enemy
Sight2 MPCures Blindness
Exit10 MPExits a cave instantly(Can't use all the time)
Heal20 MPCures all ailments
Stop5 MPStops timer on one enemy
Slow14 MPReduces enemy's timer
Raise18 MPRevives wounded ally
Raise 252 MPRevives and completely restores ally's HP
Protect9 MPDoubles physical defense
Shell10 MPDoubles magical defense
Mute6 MPPrevents enemy's usage of magic
Sight2 MPCures Blindness
Esuna20 MPCures all negative ailments
Dispel12 MPCures all positive ailments on opponent
Berserk18 MPVictim of spell can only fight
Blink8 MPEnemy can't hit ally physically for 2 attacks
Confuse10 MPTurns enemy against its allies
Mini6 MPShrinks opponent
Haste25 MPDoubles ally's timer
Float8 MPLevitate above the ground
Reflect30 MPAlly returns magic to opponent
Holy46 MPUltimate White Magic attck spell.

Black Magic

NameMP UseDescription
Ice5 MPWeak Ice-typed attack
Ice 215 MPStronger Ice-typed attack
Ice 330 MPStrongest Ice-typed attack
Bolt5 MPWeak Lightning-typed attack
Bolt 215 MPStronger Lightning-typed attack
Bolt 330 MPStrongest Lightning-typed attack
Fire5 MPWeak Fire-typed attack
Fire 210 MPStrong Fire-typed attack
Fire 330 MPHeavy Fire-typed attack
Sleep12 MPPuts enemy to sleep if successful
Warp4 MPExits battle
Toad7 MPTurns enemy into a toad if successful (can cancel Toad as well)
Pig7 MPTurns enemy into a pig if successful (can cancel Pig as well)
Bio20 MPStong Poison-typed damage that can poison
Aspel0 MPSteal MP from enemy
Drain18 MPSteal HP from enemy
Quake30 MPStrong Earth-typed attack (Can't affect levitated characters)
Break15 MPTurns opponent into stone
Fatal20 MPReduces opponent's HP to single digits
Death35 MPKills enemy if successful
Flare50 MPUltimate Fire-typed attack
Meteo99 MPUltimate Black Magic attack spell.
Summon Magic

NameMP UseDescription
Chocobo7 MPWeak Physical-typed attack
Mist Dragon20 MPDecent Water-typed attack
Titan40 MPStrong Earth-typed attack
Shiva30 MPIce-typed attack
Indra30 MPLightning-typed attack
Jinn30 MPFire-typed attack
Sylph25 MPWeak Wind-typed attack that absorbs HP for allies
Asura50 MPRandom Cure 1-4 spell
Leviatan50 MPHeavy Water-typed attack
Odin45 MPKills all enemies if successful
Bahamut60 MPMassive Fire-typed attack
Imp7 MPExtremely weak normal-typed attack
Cockatrice25 MPPetrifies one enemy if successful
Bomb20 MPStong Fire-typed damage
Main Goal:Defeat Golbez and then hunt after and destroy Zeromous.

Main Enemy:Golbez until Zeromous is introduced.

Modes of Transportation:Walk, ship, Airship, Underground Airship, and Big Whale.

Extras: Summon spells, hidden caves, and extra adventures worth the bravery.

Others:First Final Fantasy game for the SNES. Has the widest variety of transportation until Final Fantasy VII. Final Fantasy game with cheapest and most simple way to change the name of heroes.

All Chracters are Copyright of SquAreSoft/Square. All Screen names are posted, unless the "owner" would also like his/her name posted too.

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