Welcome! Greetings and salutations!  Hello! Hola! Okay, okay you get the idea, well this is my new underconstruction page for all sorts of characte goodness, dedicated for my characters on Pern MOOs, MUSHs, etc.  Namely Dragonsfire where I have two characters: Ph'red, the Istan Weyrling and Suval, the blind Enlander/Harper person.  And so with any further ado about nothing, I bring you the Pink Painter himself Ph'reddy!

Ph'red looks around and awaits applause as he takes the stage, a hush falling over the crowd.  He rolls his eyes and steps up to podium, tapping on the microphone, saying "This thing on?"  causing loud feedback and pain throughout the audience.  It finally dies and he continues, "So sue me, I'm from Pern, we didn't have any of this stuff in my timeline.  Too bad, too.  I've heard AIVAS was pretty nifty.  Anyhow welcome again to my site, regardless of what S or Suval would have you think, this is MY site."

Suval enters shaking his head, "Oh just because you've been getting all this attention from S because you're a candidate! I'm sorry folks it just goes to his head sometimes, I'll remind you that I'm the blind one, now that's more interesting than some love-sick rider right? right?"

The crowd remains silent.

Suval continues taking the mike, "Well, welcome back, it now being November 13, 2000, we figured it was time to give you all an update in what's going on.  Ph'reddy is a little busy right now so he can't make this update himself.  Well he finally did it as you may have noticed by the addition of his rider honorific, Ph'reddy Impressed brown Keshith (that's kay-SHith).  He's rather busy taking care of the new one." <<Yeah, he better be, because I think it's almost time to eat again?  Right Ph'red?  Ph'red! Wake up! I'm HUNGRY!!!>>

Phredrik shakes his head and says, "okay as for announcements in the world of Phreddy: Yesterday, October 28, 2000,  Kayte flew for the first time only to be caught by S'fina's Frozen, sigh... S'fina..."

Suval rolls his eyes, "Oh more S'fina is it? Alwasy S'fina this or S'fina that, can you talk of anything else?"

Phredrik nods and smiles, "In some older news, I have been Searched again and will stand for a Hatching very shortly!"

Suval shakes his head again, "I could have guessed he would say as much...  and now for some older news:  Suval and Gepard were handfasted this past summer, it was quite a festive, if not oft delayed occasion, not to mention the addition of two little ones to their family."

Phredrik laughs, "and aren't they the adoreable little twosome.

L'nyn enters and ahems from behind Phredrik, calling attention to himself.

Phredrik looks back, "Oh yes this is my twin brother, he's from High Reaches so he's not seen around the DF areas very often, however he is currently staying at Ista Weyr until certain things back home blow over..."

L'nyn interjects, "Yes beware proddy green riders... and don't have your dragon talking sweet love to other proddy greens, they may just throw you out, so I'm here until that whole mess blows over or she rises."

Suval continues, "In older news dated June 6, 2000, Phredrik is still lurking somewhere around the Weyr, but the big news invovles me.  I knew it would happen eventually.  I just didn't expect it to happen quite like that.  Bracing myself to ask the question to Gepard, events changed and Gepard accidently asked me!  Seizing the oppurtunity and relieved of the pressurre of having to ask he myself (though I would have much preferred asking), I stalled, and stalled as long as I could until I finally relented and replied, "How could I refuse?"  The point? Gepard and I are getting fasted!  Oh and I'm blind again."

Phredrik picks it up. "It was a sad day on the Sands for me, March 26, 2000, as many of know know I didn't Impress, but my Sofina did to greenYebanth.  Am I upset, oh you better believe it (as if upset was a strong enough word).  Oh well there's always next year!"

Suval then continues, "Well, it's finally happened, I fell for Gepard, which makes the fact that I'm completely blind not so bad.  I've been thinking about staying at Harper Hall and possibly trying to get my apprenticeship back.  If so start looking here for Harper tunes!"

L'nyn then interjects, "Well an update to that, Suval is now a quasi-Harper studying the blind and working on a way of schooling the blind so that they can live productive lives like everyone else on Pern!  However, in the interests of his family he still travels with the Clan."

Phredrik smiles and gives some more news, "Meet the newest member of my fair!  On March 19, 2000 I Impressed yet another little flitter, this time a green!  I have a record of this great occassion!"

Phredrik, L'nyn and Suval all take a bow together and leave the stage.  S returns, checking to make sure his audience hasn't quite left yet, but there they are all in the auditorium, all pushing on the door to get out.  He smiles and says, "Sorry the doors have been barred to keep any of you from leaving before the show was over, thankfully it is,  you can find out more information by going to any one of the character pages!"




L'nyn (NPC)



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This page Copyright (C) 2000 S. Michael Gibson

The world of Pern is copyright © Anne McCaffrey, 1967;

The Dragonriders of Pern® is a registered trademark of Anne McCaffrey, etc.

This page is not meant to infringe upon any existing trademaks or copyrights.  For more info about the MOO go to the unofficial hompage.

Last updated October 29, 2000