Welcome to my Guestbook! Go ahead...snoop around! (okay, so I got that from Ace Ventura: Pet Detective.)

Severus - 11/29/00 07:32:48
My URL:http://mastersofmischief.homestead.com/MM.html
My Email:severus_snape@hotmail.com
Favorite Book: The Lord of the Rings
Favorite Movie: Pay It Forward
Favorite Music Group: The Beatles!
Country of Origin: Kaegeta
Planet of Origin: Planet Legeta

Hi Myitt! I like Your Site! Anything that even says the Beatles on it is good. ;-)

sorellie - 07/30/00 23:19:41
My URL:http://sorelli.freeservers.com
My Email:salvia@netwurx.net
Favorite Book: Good Omens by Neil Gaiman
Favorite Movie: Either Sleepy Hollow, Dogma, or Hard Day's Night
Favorite Music Group: Beatles or Dave Matthew's Band
Country of Origin: US of A
Planet of Origin: I'm not sure, but I kind of doubt that it's earth. ^_^;;

Nice page. ^_^ I liked what I've seen so far, now I'm gonna go back and keep looking around!! ^_^

Princess AniRachel - 07/20/00 04:18:05
My URL:http://fly.to/princessanirachel
My Email:tobiasfangor@hotmail.com
Favorite Book: Gleaming Bright
Favorite Movie: Night at the Roxbury
Favorite Music Group: Savage Garden
Country of Origin: Born in Japan, Raised in USA
Planet of Origin: Earth...perhaps

Awsome page Myitt!! Your doing a good job!! Keep up the good work! I will be back again!

Siva (Amanda) - 07/17/00 22:11:04
My URL:http://metal_flare.tripod.com
My Email:sephiroth_xiii_deathbringer@hotmail.com
Favorite Book: The Doom Brigade
Favorite Movie: The Matrix
Favorite Music Group: Metallica... or Queensryche... Pick one
Country of Origin: USA
Planet of Origin: Hell

Nice page, Myitt ^_^ Although, Metal isn't really that bad :-p Had ta say it. Later!

Colly Bittner - 06/02/00 19:48:40
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/calliglia
My Email:caliglia@psci.net
Favorite Book: ??????
Favorite Movie: "Help!"
Favorite Music Group: I guess Bob Dylan isn't a group. The Beatles.
Country of Origin: USA
Planet of Origin: I am an earthling.

This is a pretty cool website! If you happen to visit mine, there's a Lennon page & a Beatles page somewhere on there. You just have to click a few times. Well done, my friend!!!!!!

Creeper - 06/01/00 01:15:16
My URL:http://www.raptorclan.f2s.com
My Email:creeper@raptorclan.com
Favorite Book: Raptor Red
Favorite Movie: No Favorite
Favorite Music Group: Bone Thugs N Harmony
Country of Origin: United States
Planet of Origin: Earth

Nice site. I still need to look at it some more, but so far, so good. ^_^

TK - 05/09/00 23:30:26
My URL:http://www.biteme.com
My Email:mystic@ev1.net
Favorite Book: Poe's famous poems
Favorite Movie: Never been kissed
Favorite Music Group: Nsync-Eminem
Country of Origin: USA
Planet of Origin: Planet Tyronal

cool, in TigerKat. Go to axs chat to see me. love yalls. bye

Darnon - 05/01/00 03:19:04
My URL:http://zap.to/darnon
My Email:darnon13@hotmail.com
Favorite Book: none really
Favorite Movie: Firebirds
Favorite Music Group: Queen
Country of Origin: ???
Planet of Origin: The moon of Bodkin III (Chapelon Homeworld)

Andalites suck, Chapelons, Yeerks, Scrin, and other yeerk and chapelon allies rule!

Phoenix - 04/29/00 17:53:15
My URL:http://phoenixfirefive.tripod.com
My Email:phoenixfirefive@hotmail.com
Favorite Book: Most Sci-fi and sci-fi fantasy!
Favorite Movie: The Matrix
Favorite Music Group: Vengaboys
Country of Origin: Maine
Planet of Origin: Earth

Hey Myitt! Cool Website. Keep up da good work! C-ya!

Raider1 - 04/14/00 04:34:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Station/8568/
My Email:raider1wanderer@yahoo.com
Favorite Book: eh... dunno have one
Favorite Movie: Movie? Mov-ee? Ee?
Favorite Music Group: Me? Listen to Music??
Country of Origin: How should I know?
Planet of Origin: Probably not this one.

Interesting... very interesting. ;) Good stuff. Need I say more?

Phil - 02/09/00 20:17:55
My URL:http://listen.to/phil.ben
My Email:philsmith_rugby.yahoo.co.uk
Favorite Book: Mystery Train - Greil Marcus
Favorite Movie: Das Boot
Favorite Music Group: The Beatles, but Bob Dylan is God
Country of Origin: England
Planet of Origin: Earth (so it is said anyway!)

The dark blue text is a bit hard to read. I quite "Mull of Kintyre" - good camp fire song. Do you know that in England it is regarded as a bit hokey, the "naff" side of McCartney? Even thought it was No.1 on the pop chart for 9 weeks. Check out "Let Me Roll It" on Band On The Run, or McCartney's "Run Devil Run" CD from 1999.

David - 02/09/00 01:12:37
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Brian2528
My Email:Brian2528@yahoo.com
Favorite Book: Much Ado About nothing / Andromeda Strain
Favorite Movie: Monty Python and the Search for the Holy Grial
Favorite Music Group: Tie between Billy Joel and Anything Country
Country of Origin: Currently dosn't have a name, but is a radioactive atol in the south Pacific!
Planet of Origin: This damned blue marble

Muy interesante! Es muy bueno! Adios mi amiga!

Donna (Dj) - 02/07/00 21:23:30
My Email:numb1fashiondiva3@yahoo.com
Favorite Book: Glamour (magazine)
Favorite Movie: Forrest Gump
Favorite Music Group: 'N SYNC , No Authority, and my idol Shania Twain
Country of Origin: USA
Planet of Origin: umm...duh! If you don' tknow this one your an idiot! Hello I'm from Uranus!

Hey, Tara your site is a piece of sh--, bet you thought i was gonna say the s word! I ment shhhhh sh-- this is a great site! Well anyone who doesn't know that me and T-Bird here are best friends well we are! We have been since 3rd grade! We are in tenth n w and i just make fun of her! hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!Well i'll see ya bye! Love Dj

Donna (Dj) - 02/07/00 21:19:32
My Email:numb1fashiondiva3@yahoo.com
Favorite Book: Glamour (magazine)
Favorite Movie: Forrest Gump
Favorite Music Group: 'N SYNC , No Authority, and my idol Shania Twain
Country of Origin: USA
Planet of Origin: umm...duh! If you don' tknow this one your an idiot! Hello I'm from Uranus!


Severus-Snape - 01/18/00 05:02:56
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/starlightandseverus/StarlightandSeverus.html
My Email:severus_snape@hotmail.com
Favorite Book: The Green Mile(by Stephen King)
Favorite Movie: The Green Mile
Favorite Music Group: The Beatles
Planet of Origin: Planet Vegeta

Hello, well.... you can say I like your site so far*Shrugs*

raj bhatoa - 01/13/00 17:34:59
My Email:raj_aloo@hotmail.com
Favorite Movie: the 5th element
Country of Origin: uk

like the site,hope you get more hits in the future!

- 01/09/00 20:02:31


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