Underwater Adventure!

Beauty and Beasts!

A world in shades of blue.

This is a photo I'm fond of. Though it doesn't have any color; this accurately represents the "color" of the underwater world, and I like the blues against the greens. The colors stand out much more on the print.

This is a huge crab. Well, part of him, anyway. He was huge. I wasn't going to grab him, in any event. This photo, as were most on this page, was taken in the ocean surrounding Bonaire.

This is a macro photograph of orange tube coral, taken at night. This coral was on one of the old, huge pillars of Bonaire's "Old Town Pier", perhaps the most famous night dive site in the Carribean. This is one of my favorite photographs.

You are supposed to get permission to dive here, since theoretically a large ship could start its propellors and suck you in, but it looked pretty quiet to me, so I just snuck into the black water. This is a very shallow dive, never more than 30 feet, and you run out of film long before you run out of air.

This is another photo taken that night. You can see orange tube coral, and the delicate feathery-like appendages of Christmas Tree Worms.

This is a Christmas Tree Worm; only visible at night. Many beaufiful creatures only flourish at night. This is when the crustaceans emerge, and when the coral opens up to feed.

This is a moray eel. Sometimes at night you can see them swimming freely around the reef. During the day this is how they are normally seen; though in Hawaii I've seen a different species very active during the day. Active enough to attack me and the divemaster, in any event.I remember that dive. Stung by Portugese Man-o-War, attacked by moray eels. Whew. These Carribean morays are a bit more gentle. Another species, green, is also common.

A beautiful underwater scene. You can see how the colors fade as the extent of the flash dimishes. You use extremely powerful flash units underwater. Even so, most photographs with any color are used with a wide-angle lens, such as was used here.

I never tire of scuba diving. The images are constantly unusual; the "landscape" surreal; and it's like flying. This is a sea fan, with the image of my dive buddy in the background, near the surface.

The THB searching for sharks to fight in the blue ocean and black caverns.

The deep blue. When you dive deep, everything gets very blue.

A moray eel coming out of hiding.

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Copyright 1998 by Robert A. Woodley. All rights reserved worldwide.