Foxglove's Tail

It was time, she knew it, could feel it deep from within her heart. Foxglove began her preparations for her next journey. Times as they were, with the war and all, her weapons and supplies were at the ready for a quick move. So, there was not much more to be done other than gathering extra herbs for her medicine bag and provisioning her food bag.
She went in search of her son, Cormic, and her dear friend Toe breaker the Long beard. They were together as usual, Toebreaker doing his normal good job of substitute fathering. Although most people thought him a cranky old dwarf, to Foxglove and Cormic he was a steadfast friend and loyal companion. For Cormic, even though he knew differently, Toebreaker was the only father figure he had ever known.
His real father, Tor Splitoe, was human, and the moment had finally arrived for keeping their vow...... she remembered the first time she saw him…it was after a battle, around a fire where the uninjured gathered to recount the deeds of the day. She abhorred violence but knew she had something to offer the wounded and so she came. Humans had always intrigued her, their lives so short that they did their living quickly. Some, always on the edge of death, seemed to develop such a lust for life that she found herself drawn to them.
Tor was such a one. Bragging, exaggerating, laughing at his own exploits and enjoying every moment. Up to this point Foxglove had been content to observe, never taking the opportunity to actually become ‘friends’. She was a healer, which was the reason she came to the human realm. Foxglove possessed the gift, her gifts were far greater than any human healer had to offer, and still apprenticing she worked to improve the use of her talent on these humans. Bonding her spirit-self with them in order to heal them. To remind each portion of the body how it felt to be whole and using her own energy to bring it once again to that point.
One must be careful when dealing with humans. What they do not understand, they fear; and in their fear strike out. She had once seen someone accused of witchery and had learned her lesson well. She used herbs and other methods to conceal her healing powers.
Foxglove tended to stay in the background, fading into the shadows or using a glamour to befuddle one of these men. Humans were so ignorant of the ancient ways.
Tor…Foxglove had always thought of him as ‘the golden one’. Blonde, blue eyes, tanned skin from sailing; in her eyes he seemed to glow. She still had to laugh at herself- as old as she was, to feel this way about a mere mortal. She listened to his stories and watched his prowess and decided that he must be hers. Using a glamour to appear as a gypsy girl, Foxglove went to him. All it took was a kiss to bind him. She decided to stay and enjoy herself.
A fortnight Foxglove spent with Tor, laughing, loving, their love blossoming. When she finally departed from him she took not only his promise that he would return to her land when she came back for him, but also, as she had planned, his seed growing in her womb.
Cormic, aging as a human, was a grown man now, almost twenty. Such a short time for her, but a lifetime to Tor. Foxglove had made a habit of checking on the progress of his life. He had married, had a family, but he was a warrior, first and always. Tor was respected and well liked by his men. He had lived a whole life and now it was time to end the one and begin anew.
Foxglove donned her cloak and checked her herb bag once more. She was becoming restless…
"The time has come, will it take you long to be ready?" Foxglove addressed her question to her son. She knew Toebreaker would be ready to travel in a matter of moments.
"Not at all, Mother, in fact we have been prepared since yesterday afternoon." Cormic replied with a cocky grin. "We all know the signs."
"And just what are you implying…that I am that transparent?" Foxglove was beginning to lose patience-she did not enjoy being ridiculed.
"Only to those of us who know and love you…now shall we go?"
One more quick look around her home and Foxglove closed the door behind her..it was time.

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