jumpmag slagalicious, simply irresistable in time with once what was a slimy catacombia of frivolosity. therefore amor mine time a lovingly almost frame. once a wuzing wuz wuzfully denounced pronounced not accordingly but uccordingli. timber, timbre tambre tamper. flambouyed flamebroiled work tomorrow is distressing. not really in and of itself but rather as an ongoing battle with the staticity of life and living in it. oh dependancy, a clinging static clinging state. learn to write like readers read without revealing anything to their partner and the reader becomes the writer, so far in its infancy. amazingly this might have the seeds of an idea. i havent typed in such a long time that i am, really out of practice. i should write as that is what i am but i reaaly cannt bring myself to the brink. looksy at all the doublings of letters i have made.