you drive me wild we drive you crazay
Don't think.
no needx for all that complex higher level brain work when all that is requiredx is simple three fingeredx and one thumbedx typing.
Don't think.
so what is it that im really trying to say here? that im waiting on a page or a call from some one who may not page or call or someone who will page or call? isnt that all of life really? what am i waiting on? someone to wait on me. is someone waiting like i am waiting but with me waiting all the same? we will outwait ourselves if we arent careful.
why isnt there any music playing? my cuticles are growing. perhaps it is a side effect of the shea butter? Where is my nail file?
Don't think.
what is all this business.? hungry is the sign of the human condition. bathing is the sign of overcivilization. hypercivilization is nothing but the chess game of revealing yourself strategically to those who are not yet your friends while limiting your friends to the information that you dont need them to know. strangers should be treated with in(different)ce. im telling you all the things that i want you to know while hiding all the things that i think that you think that you want to know. who knows whats actually going on.
oh drat the rain has gone and spoilt it all.
so lets talk about you and me. i want to know you and have wanted to know you for as long as i knew of you. you are compelling and attracting. You are attractive. i want to consume you and know you and never will. it is this that makes me want to know you better. are we not all looking for that person over whom which we can hold but little sway due to the strength of themselves? the allure of people is our inability to conquer them and then they go and capitulate. love is not about the actual being with of a person but of the wanting to being with of them and the never quite having achieved that which we perceive as the ultimate goal of life and love. it's like virginty. Go.
Don't think.
can one ever really run out of things to talk about? no not really but the mind cn selectively prhibit the mouth from speaking in an effort to help the body along in a decision to better the situation in which one lives. Quit thinking dammit. isnt it better just to listen to me hear my voice in your head and listen listen listen as if your life depended on it. dont think about what im saying or what you will be saying just listen to the nowness of the words that are flowing from my mouth. take a minute after i am through and think things through and then you can talk but for now just (shut) (your) (mouth). we will all get what we deserve in the end so does it really matter what we do in the interim? no. but why not try just to make life inte(re[sting]). what the hell am i talking about? what am i saying and to whom?
Think now.