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Welcome to Char's Sheep Page

It's been a while but updates will follow!!!!

Sheepy the wonder Sheep!

Got ideas for the sheepy page??? e-mail the Clan Sheepish at

Looking for sheep!!! You've come to the right place!  Just follow my friend Sheepy here ... and he'll take you to more sheep than you've ever seen. Well, okay maybe not more - but some?
This is my little shrine to the lovely little critters.  Be welcome.

Read my Sheepbook!
Sign my Sheepbook!


Sheepy was created by the remarkable, intellectual, lovely, charming, talented, creative, *gosh if I wasn't attached I'd chase him* owner and creator of  Garf's sheep Emporium I am forever indebted to him for having my own little Sheepy here.  thanks Garf.