~~ Series ~~

~~ Snooping Series ~~

(I) Snooping  UST, PG, 22K
Scully gets an hour alone in Mulder's apartment.  What would YOU do?
August 29, 1998
(II) Sleuthing   UST, PG-13, 20K
While Scully's away, Mulder will play.
February 19, 1999
(III) Scrimmage   MSR, PG-13, 20K
Mulder and Scully face off.  Who will be the first to crack and confess?
April 15, 1999
(IV) Stripped   MSR, NC-17, 25K
Mulder and Scully take snooping to a new level.
April 23, 1999

~~ Hot Shower Series ~~

(I) Hot Shower   UST, R, 21K
Scully and Mulder get decontaminated, among other things.
January 23, 1999
(II) Attractive  by Alanna  
Alanna's sequel to "Hot Shower."  Mulder begins to rebuild his and Scully's lives - and their wardrobes - after decontamination.
(III) Monday   MSR, NC-17, 40K
Mulder and Scully meet to finish
what they started in the shower.
February 27, 1999

~~ Steps Series ~~

MSR, Angst, PG-13, 7-11K each
Post "Fight the Future."  Scully tries to cope with the aftermath
of the near-kiss and her fear of loving Mulder.
September 17 - October 5, 1998

* One Step * Two Steps Back * Three Steps Forward


~~ Five Senses Series ~~

MSR, 5-7K each
A series of vignettes.  Scully reflects on Mulder and
their relationship as lovers.
May 19 - July 19, 1998

Touch   Rated R Hearing   Rated R Sight   Rated PG
Taste   Rated G (humor) Smell   Rated PG Finale   Rated NC-17



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