Kumiko Rowan (War Sim: Solider)

Okay, maybe it was a stupid idea, but since we were all doing two characters each anyways, I decided to do twins.  Well, I unfortunately found Kumi's picture. I'd forgotten it was so...interesting.

Related Story: Crashing Farewell

Character's Name: Kumiko "Kumi" Rowan

Applicant's Screen Name: HaramisLT

Applicant's real name(Optional.): Ummm... Emily.

Character's Rank: Major

Character's Weapon: A sword... and her braid!

Limit Breaks(Name and describe four.):

1. Coordination: Kumi cna cause someone's inner ear balance to be off and makes them very clumsey for a time.

2. Kagami: Kumi is able to temporarly copy somones style and understand the faults in it. She can learn from this and it greatly helps her sword technique.

3. Daddy's Girl: Fully summoning her strength, Kumi uses a special sword technique her father taught her that can move through almost any defense to allow her to strike her opponets vital areas and cause huge amounts of damage.

4. Lost Love: This limit is only possible when Aideen works in conjecture with Kumi as it uses their birth connection. The two take hands and chant. They can temporaly combine to form the Neo Bahamut. The combination can never last more than a single day, but during that time they have the power of that summon and unity of purpose. What that purpose may be, however, depends.

Special Skill(s): Kumi is an excellent swordswoman, tactician, and warrior. To jusify keeping her hair long in the military, she uses it as a weapon. Somewhat like a whip, she can strangle an opponet to death with it.

Character's Personality: Kumi appears to have no personality on the outside, at least to people first meeting her. Her entire focus is on being the best warrior possible. She has a sense of humor that emerges occasionally, but when her father started ephasizing discipline at the age of twelve, she lost much of it. She's very chilly on the outside and she spends most of her free time alone. She used to be very active and talkative, but she supresses that part of herself. She's almost indifferent to other people. In battle, she takes more charge and some of her previous character emerges; she truly enjoys battle. It's the only time she really seems alive. She lives on her father's approval.

Brief History Of Character: Kei Mizuko and Derek Rowan were from opposite sides of the war, but a brief time after they met, they decided that love could overcome the differences. Kei married him and moved in to live with the Shin-Ra. She became pregnant after a few months and gave birth to a set of twin girls with hair as red as their father's. They named them Kumiko and Aideen Kei quietly took care of the girls, but found herself growing sick of Derek's justification's of the war. When the girls were about 5-months-old, there was a brutal attack on a village by the Shin-Ra. Kei could hear the soldiers talking abou the slaughter like it was a game. She couldn't stand it any longer and told Derek she was leaving and didn't care if he was going with her or not. They had a huge fight and he told her that he refused to lose his entire family. He planned on taking one of the girls, and if she didn't agree to it, he could ensure that she lost both of her daughters. She gave in and he took Kumiko and arranged transport for Kei and Aideen back to her village. Kumi was rasied strictly military. As soon as she was old to ask about her mother, Derek told her that she had died giving birth. Kumi always felt a little responsible for killing her mother, and so she did everything she could to please her father to make up this crime. She grew up loving the military, combat, and fighting. Everytime she had a chance she was learning new moves and fighting anyone she could. She would often come home for dinner roughed up, covered in dirt, and wiith some new 'battle wound" to show her father. He encouraged her behavior hoping she would become an excellent Shin-Ra soldier. She accepted this ambition as her own and focused almost entirely on getting into the war. She joined SOLDIER at 17.

Description: Kumiko is 5'8 and had emerald green eyes and red hair. Her uniform is in a very dark green. When not in uniform, she dresses fairly conservative. She usually looks so plain she could blend in anywhere if it weren't for her hair. Most of the time she'll just wear black slacks and a white shirt open at the collar. She never wears any jewelry. She might have worn a necklace if her father had given it to her...He gave her a sword. She loves the sword dearly and uses it in battle. She always feels a little unconfortable when she doesn't have it with her.

Which side is the character fighting for and why? Shin-Ra, it's all she's ever known.

Why Do You Want To Be This Character?: Before the Alien Queen left for the Intergalatic Nerd Covention (INC), she said, "Be Kumi."

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