Aideen Mizuko (War Sim: Wutai)

Okay, maybe it was a stupid idea, but since we were all doing two characters each anyways, I decided to do twins.  Unfortunatley...Kumiko's picture is MIA.  It looked a lot like Aideen's, and all I have left is this stupid button I made.  Hmm...Aideen was more fun to sim.  Don't tell Kumi I said that.

Related Story: Crashing Farewell

On a journey, ill--

and my dreams, on withered fields

are wandering still.


Character's Name: Aideen Mizuko

Applicant's Screen Name: HaramisLT

Applicant's real name(Optional.): Ummm... still Emily.

Character's Rank: Major

Character's Weapon: A bladed staff with desigened to rip people open.

Limit Breaks(Name and describe four.):

1. Friggin' Pickles: For no apparent reason a bucket of pickes falls from the sky and douses an opponet stinging their eyes and making them smell incredibly bad for a couple of days.

2. Bloody Revenge: Aideen attacks a single opponet several times with the sharp, bladey, nasty part of her spear with intent to make them feel the hurt.

3. Earth Rage: Devoted to ptotecting her beloved Wutai, Aideen rases her arms above her head with a scream and then brings them down facing her enemies to cast Quake 3 on all opponets.

4. Lost Love: This limit is only possible when Aideen works in conjecture with Kumi as it uses their birth connection. The two take hands and chant. They can temporaly combine to form the Neo Bahamut. The combination can never last more than a single day, but during that time they have the power of that summon and unity of purpose. What that purpose may be, however, depends.

Special Skill(s): She has 5 years of training with the staff and spear. In her hands they are vicious weapons, but there are people who can best her in staight combat. Her true strength is the magical and spiritual side of a fight, a skill she gained through her devotion to the study of magic. She also sings beautifully. She was trained by her mother to sing many of the materia chants and traditional songs that honor the gods.

Character's Personality: Aideen is generally a warm friendly person, and can be good with other people, but she has an edge of steel beneath. In her head she connects her father completely to the Shin-Ra, identifiying one with the other. She harbors hate for both. She can be very calm in daily life, but in a fight she is malicious and unerring with her materia use. She has almost completly dehumanized the enemy and fails to see anything wrong with this attitude, but she also has a deeply spirtiual side due to her upbringing. Sometimes the conflict between her beliefs and her acts can cause her a great deal of anger at herself and she can be unberable to be around. In many ways, she still has to heal with the part of herself her father abandoned, the outraged child who has never forgiven the man who broke her mother's spitirt and set her to this way of life.

Brief History Of Character: Kei Mizuko and Derek Rowan were from opposite sides of the war, but a brief time after they met, they decided that love could overcome the differences. Kei married him and moved in to live with the Shin-Ra. She became pregnant after a few months and gave birth to a set of twin girls with hair as red as their father's. They named them Kumiko and Aideen .  Kei quietly took care of the girls, but found herself growing sick of Derek's justification's of the war. When the girls were about 5-months-old, there was a brutal attack on a village by the Shin-Ra. Kei could hear the soldiers talking about the slaughter like it was a game. She couldn't stand it any longer and told Derek she was leaving and didn't care if he was going with her or not. They had a huge fight and he told her that he refused to lose his entire family. He planned on taking one of the girls, and if she didn't agree to it, he could ensure that she lost both of her daughters. She gave in and he took Kumiko and arranged transport for Kei and Aideen back to her village. Kei returned to her former village enraged that she had lost Kumiko. She raised Adieen to hate both the Shin-Ra and her father, but never mentioned her lost sister. She taught her about magic and the old ways of Wutai. Aideen grew up believing that saving Wutai was more important than anything else she could do. She dedicated her self to training and has several mastered materia. (That stuff mates like you wouldn't She joined the Wutai army at 17 and used her skill to rise a few ranks. She's now 20.

Description: Aideen is 5'8 and had emerald green eyes and red hair. When on duty she wears a uniform. Off duty, she likes to look nice and dresses up most of the time. Her hair is past her knees, but when's she's fighting she keeps her hair in a braid that she wraps around her head.

Which side is the character fighting for and why? Wutai, it's her home.

Why Do You Want To Be This Character?: My pizza spoke, it said, "Be Aideen."

Other War Sim: Wutai Profiles

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