Member of the Modern Fantasy Link Exchange

We will stand together

Quote of the week:

Dragons shall not war upon dragons. What a cruel stab to a dieing heart. But no, Cloud, my beloved, I will avenge your death. It will not be long until once again we shall see one another, but I fear that time will not come in this world. Peace will come at any price, but prehaps the price has alread out weighed the needs. - Streak to his beloved Cloud

I. Dragon:
1. A fabulous monster represented as a gigantic reptile haveing a lion's claws, the tail of a
serpent, wings and a scaly skin. 2. Archaic. A large snake or serpent. 3. A fiercely vigilant
or intractable person. 4. Any of various lizards, such as one of the genus Draco.
5. Dragon. Draco. [ME < OFr. < Lat. draco < Gk. drakon, serpent].
(American Heritage Dictionary (c)1982, 1985)

II. Dragon:

An imaginary giant reptile of stroy and legend usu. represented as a winged,
fire-breathing monster. (Webster' II Dictionary (c)1984).

Say Hello Onyx

She watchs over my page.

If you would like to adopt a dragon goto Dixeys Down Loadable Dragons.

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