Greetings, Denizens, this page here that I am in the midst of working on is dedicated to, you guessed it, Fire...
There are so many wonderful things about fire. It cleanses, keeps us warm, brings us light, and without the burning mass which is the sun, there would be no life at all on this dismal little stinkhole we call Earth.
So, indeed, we have many things to thank fire for::raises a tear filled salute::Thank you, fire.
Also, I'm going to use this page to stick up photos that I have taken with my dig cam!
Stolen Bounty | Mr. Bojangles |
Precious & Mr. Bojangles
Me |
Cats |
My Dad | Josh

Butterscotch |
Silver |
Peaches n' Butterscotch
My Prison |
My bed | My dresser
| My floor
My crate |
Peaches |