When most ask Elowyn Ka about the "Father of All Dragons"
she would most likely shake her head and say something flippant
like...."Poor creature....your education is truely lacking", (or
the like), but when prodded, any "Ka" or priestess will tell you
of their gods. The Father of all Dragons (according to Ka's belief, anyway) was the first god to beget himself.
He opened his great eye....the Moon, and stared out into the
emptyness. To his dismay he was alone, so he breathed his first
breath and his brother (the sun), opened his eye and they greeted
each other. Time passed, and the Father breathed out planets, the
stars, and then our home. He felt that this place was too beautiful to be empty, so he made Oberon and Titania.
They, in turn, breathed forth the first races. Though immortal, the Father felt that he should not allow them too much power, so he limited the children to the use of certain elements. By this time, his brother....the White Dragon (or Wyrm) dispised his brother. He told his brother to seek out a mate from among the children and have a child of their kind, one to live among them as a reminder of his power.

The Father listened to his brother's hissing, feeling no subversions. He scanned his clan, his first children, "The Black Dragon Clan". They were loyal and loving, beautiful, proud, and skilled. He spied "Ki-Ama", and her beauty struck him through, so he made himself a form and possessed it. As an Elf, he was accepted into the Clan, and won Ki-Ama's love. While they were busy with their courtship, (for Dragons have extensive courtship rules), the White Wyrm attempted to usurp his rule. He cast a spell upon his brother while he slept, and it was the first time the Great Eye closed. During this time, the Wyrm came down to Tir-na-nog and attempted to take Ki-Ama. This awoke the Great Father who took on his true form and the two fought a terrible battle.
During this great battle the Black Dragon Clan scattered, trying to escape the devestation that the two dragons were dealing out. Ki-Ama was with child. The first Elowyn Ka was born in a cave far north of her original home. A Gnome-like female assisted in the birthing. Her ancient powers were passed to Ki-Ama, who then passed on the knowledge to the first Ka.
The first Elowyn Ka was violent and revengeful, and spent most of her life seeking out the followers of the White Wyrm. She was known for her ruthlessness and truly bore the Dragon's blood.
As the "Elowyns" grew, so did their wisdom and their ability to control themselves. The Great Father lost a toe during the battle, which later became a flute.
But that is another tale

To the Cavern Entrance
Copyright LORE 1999