Rax the Mad's Unofficial ChronX page

Rax the Mad's Unofficial Chron X page

Genetic Anomalies® Trademark & Chron X Copyright (c) 1998
Genetic Anomalies, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

Want to play a game where you can command elite UN forces? Or be the leader of forces that utterly destroy them. Play Chron X and choose what side of the New World Order you are on!
UN Base card
Chron X New Golden Age or the End of the World?

Chron X by Genetic Anormalies is a strategy card game played on the internet that is every conspiracy buff's dream. The time is set in a dark vision of Man's future, the year 2091. Environmentalist worries about over-population have come true. The United States of America and the European Union subjected themselves to rigid environmental controls but these eventually destroyed their economies. California was the first to break off from the United States (to join the UN no less) as federal control waned. What remains of the U.S. (now the Former United States) is controlled by corrupt political bossmen, militia warlords and corporate-states. The United Nations has taken over as the World's "Policeman" but it has never been strong enough to force every Third World dictator to obey its' mandates.

Gaean Scribe, original artwork by Omar Rayyan.

Many of the World's best and brightest look to technology as their hope for Earthly salvation. Man reached for the stars and brave new worlds were sought. However, Earth-dependent colonies within the Solar System are all that has come out of the space programs. Not all scientists look outside the planet for their salvation. Some joined with environmentalists to form their own monastic sanctuaries, going so far as to withdraw from the planet into hidden biospheres. They conduct research, some of it into forbidden fields, ready to reseed Gaea with a better breed of human after Homo sapiens passes away.

Jacqueline, original artwork by Shiela Rayyan

Of course, there are always those who, with the right amount of money and power, escape the worries faced by the nameless masses. Mega-corporations employ hundreds of millions and reward loyal employees, at least loyal employees above a certain grade. Stockholders and executives rarely come into contact with the "Nonames" as the under- and unemployed are termed. Their's is a life of priviledge while their companies engage in research into the next generation of smart weapons, the newest and brightest tooth whitener or super absorbent feminine protection pad.

Meat Machine, original artwork by John Park

As a ChronX player you are a spymaster during this age of decay and rebirth. You were working for a mysterious organization called The Body. Suddenly communications from headquarters ceased. Time passed. The void in power has created opportunites and dangers as your former allies turn into competitors.

I heartily recommend playing Chron X.

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ChronXVisit the Brain Bank for Chron X deck building strategies


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