More NWO Stuff


From their secret base, CODENAMED MIR, the UN has been beaming down to earth Mind Control Rays! We have pictures of their ground station in Area 51 where they send the rays to your television. Of course, people with satellite dishes are already under UN control. They are unknowlingly beaming MIR's signals on to you. The only ways to escape the UN's mindnumbing influences are either by wearing a protective suit or by converting your house into a faraday cage.

Ground Station
Ground-based relay stations send mind control waves to your TV set. Kill your TV!!!

Protective suit

Protect Yourself & Your Loved Ones!
Wear aluminum foil when going outside.

Area 51Check out Area 51 or

Beware the Dead Zone Look at Area 51 from a secret overflight by a Militia radio controled drone plane

Visit the Keeper of Area 51 Lore: Art Bell

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