Best Friend!

Hello! My name is Mr.
Flopsy Ears, and I would like to welcome you to my resort here by the bedside.
Since I retired a few months ago, I have been working on branching out the
resort a bit. Of course, that meant all the creepy crawlies in The Realm had to
move. Don't worry, though, they haven't gone too far. If you really want to go
over there, meet me at the south door and I'll guide you. Just give me a minute
to grab my coat and hat.
Still here? Oh, good! I do enjoy having company. You see my friend St. George
here; quite the adventurous fellow. I recall my many adventures, doing
paladinly things, righting wrongs across The Realm. And also the adventures I
have had with Ray and Maureen, keeping the two of them out of trouble. Ah, the
perils of the stuffing impaired...
As I mentioned before, I am looking into expanding my resort. I have some
family that has moved in from out of town. Cousin Hopsy Ears came first, but
Mama and Papa came soon after, along with Auntie and Uncle--talk about
adventurers; I can't wait for you to see a picture of Uncle with his Indiana
Jones hat on--and also Grandpa. Grandpa Hopsy Ears can talk your ear off, and
you have to be careful he isn't just pulling your leg!

Of course, if you've been around our Halloween page,
you know that I have lots of other friends around. Marvin and Reginald have
been around forever, I think. And then there's Sam and Alex and Agreeable Bear
and Sleepy Time Bear...we're all one big happy family. I'll be able to get you
some pictures soon, but Ray says he's out of film right now. Sometimes I think
he would get lost in his own head if I weren't there to guide him around a
little bit...
Sometimes I think that my greatest adventure was getting Ray and Maureen
together. Nothing they did was what you would call typical, but I kept
whispering their good qualities to both of them, and they came around. Now
they're happily married.

Speaking of their wedding...Are you familiar with the Renaissance Faire? Well,
by all means, take a look into our wedding album for
an idea of what it's like to adventure in Merry Olde England! I can still taste
the Roasted Turkey Legge that they served at the reception. Yummy!

Well, that's about all that I have right now at the resort. Please come back
soon. Now, if you're interested in looking into the creepy crawlies at The UA Realm, just follow me down this path. I chased them
all out, but they say they like it better in their new home, anyway. That's
just the way I like it, too. Everyone happy.
Also, if you’d like to see the latest on the
Ravenloft Campaign of The Missed (or maybe peruse the archives of some of the
older campaigns, like The Vagabonds or The Ergosian Chronicles), just follow me
over here to this little portion of The
And now, I just want to say Good luck in everything you do, because you deserve
it! And God bless!