Please I beg of you not to give this address out to XFilesTrustno1 (I have my reason why on my main page) and Missy because she would tell her this address. Thank you

I am very pround to say that I am almost finished putting all the av's on this page. However, more will be comming soon! This is my very first web page so bear with me please. I'll tell you why it took so long though. My av maker only lets me save in the file bmp. Well, when adding av's it won't let you add files with bmps. So I have to change over 300 av's to a gif file by going to File, save as, you get it. I had to do that 300 times!!! Its worth it I believe. So have fun here kids, and remember, all av's here were made by me, so please don't take them and put them on different web pages, cause their copywrited. Thanks!

There is 40 av's of David/Mulder and Gillian/Scully together

There is 108 av's of just David/Mulder

There are 130 of Gillian/Scully

And finally, 30 misc X-Files av's. For example, some of Skinner, CMM, X, Samatha, Chris Carter ect.

Fox Mulder and Dana Scully together page

Cool Misc/other Av's from The X-Files

Awesome Dana Scully Av's

Awesome Fox Mulder Av's

Return to my page

An awesome new link I added that has really awesome av's of all kinds from the X-Files

Finally a big av's page! Theres 20 big av's here

I'm confused! What are Av's??!!