<-----This is Ted. :)
I began RPing in the WBS Star Trek: Nexus Bar in mid December. When you're brand new in a room, and VERY new at roleplaying, what's a natural thing to do? You flirt. Before I knew it, I had flirted with both of Ted's handles (Jason Ryans & Drake O'Riley) shamelessly. Then he left on winter break, and I left a week later, after finals. I have a computer at home, so I continued to RP, and when he returned in the beginning of January, I resumed my flirting. Sooner than I knew, this flirting was going both ways, and was getting decidedly OOC. So I put my foot down. We discussed this, and decided to stay strictly IC.

Around this time, I had made my second handle (Anthea James), and Ted remarked that since I liked to flirt so much, he'd make a handle just for me to flirt with (Montel Zandar). By the end of two months, I'd come to know so much about Ted, and felt I could talk to him about just about anything (and did). I cared for him more than I dared admit. I was putting a lot of my own emotion and feelings into Anthea (who, by this time was married to Montel), not knowing that Ted was doing the same with Montel. The funniest thing was, people THOUGHT we WERE dating IRL, and kept asking us about it. We kept saying, "no, it's just IC" and we'd laugh about it in PMland.

Around the time of his birthday, Ted had a medical emergency. It was at that point I realized that I wouldn't be so worried about him if I didn't care for him. I breathed a sigh of relief when I found out that he was going to be all right, but then was faced with the fact that I cared deeply about him, but for all I knew he cared less than beans about me in that way. As for us getting together, we have Katrina to thank. Our little "Cupid" set the wheels in motion, and before you knew it...