This site isn't really under construction anymore at all, but, take a look at those legs! You think I'm going to take this thing down?!

Site last modified June 1, 1999

"There, on the shores of Thoas Lake,
Pan and Syrinx consummated their love
And the magic that their joining produced blessed his children
- The Satyrs -
With the Gift of Pan for the rest of eternity."

A Faerie Tale: Pan & Syrinx,
The Satyr Kithbook

It occurred to me one day not long ago, that although we grow stronger in numbers each day, there is a shortage of sources for all us Satyr Kith out there. So here is my best attempt to remedy that matter. Among my pages you will find the passion filled reality of that which is the Satyr breed. Lovers are we all, warriors if needs be. Good luck to you, and if by chance there’s something I’ve missed… You’ll find me under the nearest pretty skirt!

Now I do have to put a little part in here about certain issues. A drag, I know… But you know that some of our cousins can get their tails in knots over such things. There is bound to be nudity, cussing, and a general bad ass nature on my pages. It comes with my age. Minors should be and advised that they probably shouldn’t be here according to a few laws. (Poor whelps… It must really suck to be them…) Come back when you’re old enough!

Now these here pages aren’t a substitute for going out and buying the damned books so don’t be cheap. Good old White Wolf was good enough to create us, it’s the least we can do to support the poor starving buggers. And I highly recommend the Satyrs kith book… It’s not too often I endorse a book, but I must say, they did one hell of a fine job representing the likes of our furry hides.

And about Images. All this mess belongs to those blokes unless it’s considered public domain, or it is are stuff we've used from White Wolf's books. Oh, and I belong to them too, so don’t try and steal me… I’ll be forced to kick your arse if I’m finding my double running around!

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The music playing is from the movie Edward Scissorhands

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