Richard Marx - Secret 'Shipper?

tapping into the souls of our dynamic duo

Richard Marx is a recording artist that had his heyday in the late 1980's, although he has released some albums in the '90's. Now, I always knew I liked the song "Right Here Waiting," having heard snippets of it on various CD collection infomercials. But it wasn't until I bought his Greatest Hits album that I realized the truth - Richard Marx has the soul of a 'shipper. He has written songs that seem to spell out the relationship between Mulder and Scully, more often Mulder's feelings for his g-woman. If you are a 'shipper, you will be stunned at these lyrics. Personally, I couldn't believe how pertinent they were. Please follow these links to the lyrics of Richard Marx's 'shipper songs and Mulder songs, and explanations of why they're so relevant to our dynamic duo.

Mulder's Feelings For Scully

  • Until I Find You Again
  • Hold On To The Nights
  • Right Here Waiting
  • Nothing Left Behind Us
  • Nothing To Hide
  • Now And Forever
  • Your World
  • The Image

    Mulder's Feelings in general

  • I Get No Sleep
  • Hands In Your Pockets
  • Calling You
  • Heaven Only Knows

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