Great Links, Shippy and Non

These are all links I have found to be at least semi-worthwhile, if not totally fantastic. If you would like a link to your X-Files page on this page, please e-mail me, and I will add you. All I ask is a link to my page somewhere on yours. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours!! Ahh, the caring, supportive X-Files online proud to be a part of it!
The Truth of X-Files Love - the greatly cool and promising page of Dana, my XFusters mailing list and post-episode screaming buddy.
X-Files Scripts - scripts to every episode! Really! And the movie too! Check it out!
Alisha's Relationshipper X Files page - very nice, images, fan fic, etc.
Iced Tea Shipper Site - very comprehensive and cool, with video clips and pics and sounds and more!
The Anti-Fowley Mailing List Homepage - great for all us anti-Fowley folks!
General X Files Stories by Paula Graves - excellent stories by an excellent author
Karen's X Files Links Page - very complete and thorough. Check it out.
The Gossamer Archive - the definitive fanfic archive
the Mulder & Scully Soundtrack Project - over 200 songs catalogued, with lyrics available. Mulder and Scully's relationship in song
The Official X-Files Site - don't scorn it because it's really has everything...but it is FOX-endorsed, so steer clear if your morals dictate so
The X-Files Insititution for Relationshippers - my personal all-time favorite 'shipper page. Terrific in all respects
The X Files Page For The Mentally Ins@ne - all around good and fun page
The X-Files Multi-Media Archive - awesome and incredible, with sounds, pics, fonts, vids, etc. etc. etc.
The Society for Prevention of Cruelty to David Duchovny - the title says it all. Big DD advocates.
The Gillian Anderson Web Site - the biggest and the best out there.
X-Files Goddess Emporium - great pics!
E's X-Page - incredible graphics, phenomenal's a winner!!!
The David Duchovny Drool Brigade - DD adoration...well, he's worthy!!

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