NAXIS and NoRoMos, proceed at your own risk

Little Slice of 'Shippy Fics

I fully intend to flesh this out, 'cuz this is less-than-big. But hey, I only started this site on September 1, so gimme some time! Soon, I promise, this will be better. If any 'shippy writers out there want to give me their fics, I will gladly post them. Smut cheerfully accepted! As long as it's MSR or vaguely angsty, I shall care not one whit. Big THANKS for the talented writers who so kindly allow me to put their stuff up here. Trust me, I've read enough fanfic by now to know the goods when I see 'em, and these are the goods. (Well, except for the one written by me. It's kinda not-so-good. I wrote it. Go easy on me.)

  • Abdication
    penned by SynnerX
    Synopsis: Why is Scully so upset?
    Rating: PG

  • Abnormality Rules
    penned by KiwiTree
    Synopsis: It's Fox and Dana's daughter's first day of sixth grade. Can she come to terms with her family's weirdness and make a new friend at the same time? Of course she can!
    Rating: PG
    Archivist's note: I usually don't go for stories where Mulder and Scully are married and have kids, but this has such fantastic characterization of the two, I was won over!

  • Affinity
    penned by Dani Sheldon
    Synopsis: Scully cleans house and locks herself out. Mulder comes to her rescue
    Rating: PG

  • After The Cock Crows
    penned by K. Judson
    Synopsis: The author's conclusion to "Gethsemane" (inherent spoilers)
    Rating: G

  • After The End
    penned by Tanya Larissa Chang
    Synopsis: Mulder and Scully deal with their emotions after the destruction of the X Files.
    Rating: G

  • After The Push: Questions
    penned by Leigh Alexander
    Synopsis: Picking up from the hospital scene in Pusher, the story focuses on Scully's feelings and how the events affected her.
    Rating: PG

  • After The Storm
    penned by Debbie McLaughlin
    Synopsis: Mulder ponders after Scully's encounter with Donnie Pfaster
    Rating: PG

  • Come My Love, I'll Tell You A Tale
    penned by Grace Millar
    Synopsis: A Princess Bride crossover -- shippy to the max. (Bust a gut, Princess Bride fans!!)
    Rating: G

  • Hallway Scene
    penned by: Jess F-C
    Synopsis: Mulder's thoughts during the hallway scene in the movie
    Rating: PG

  • Maybe I'm Amazed
    penned by Shannon O'Connor
    Synopsis: Mulder answered the question posed by Scully in the hallway during the movie
    Rating: PG-13

  • Pacing
    penned by Helen Wills
    Synopsis: Mulder anxiously waits as Scully recuperates from her abduction
    Rating: PG

  • The Painters and the Painted
    penned by Molly Grue
    Synopsis: A young artist is captivated by two people in a bar, and begins to draw them.
    Rating: PG

  • Slow Burn
    penned by Emelina27
    Synopsis: Scully gets jealous when Mulder dates another woman and is forced to come to terms with her feelings for him.
    Rating: R (for sex!!)

  • Take A Bow
    penned by Shannon O'Connor
    Synopsis: Scully ponders her fate, then discovers that it may not be decided after all.
    Rating: PG-13

  • Thorns
    penned by Laine
    Synopsis: Withheld at the author's request
    Rating: Withheld at the author's request, but appropriate for all ages

  • The Trick Is To Keep Breathing
    penned by Dasha K.
    Synopsis: What happens when Mulder and Scully walk off into the sunset? (movie fic)
    Rating: NC-17 (for sex!!!)

  • Vivo Per Lei
    penned by uberscully
    Synopsis: Mulder appreciates Scully. (song story)
    Rating: PG

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