Scully's Cancer-Related Songs

When I hear these songs, I can't help but be reminded of the emotions and feelings that ran between Mulder and Scully during her bout with cancer. Of course, some of those emotions are hidden...not openly expressed out loud in the episodes. But Mulder's intense worry, Scully's uncertainty, and the fear they share is clear to anyone. They cling to each other closer in this time than ever, because she needs him more, and he needs to be needed. Any other songs anyone can relate to Scully's cancer? E-mail me.

Let Your Soul Be Your Pilot

When you´re down and they´re counting,
when your secrets all found out,
when your troubles take to mounting,
when the map you have leads you to doubt.
When there´s no information
and the compass turns to nowhere that you know well:
let your soul be your pilot,
let your soul guide you,
he´ll guide you well.

When the doctors fail to heal you,
when no medicine chest can make you well,
when no counsel leads to comfort,
when there are no more lies they can tell.
No more useless information and the compass spins,
the compass spins between heaven and hell:
let your soul be your pilot,
let your soul guide you,
he´ll guide you well.

And your eyes turn towards the window pane
to the lights upon the hill.
The distance seems to strange to you now
and the dark room seems to still.

Let your pain be my sorrow,
let your tears be my tears too.
Let your courage be my model,
that the north you find will be true.
When there´s no more useless information
and the compass turns to nowhere that you know well:
Let your soul be your pilot,
let your soul guide you, let your soul guide you,
let your soul guide you upon your way.

Your Little Body's Slowly Breaking Down/You Must Love Me
from Evita: The Movie

Your little body's slowly breaking down
You're losing speed, you're losing strength--not style--
that goes on
Flourishing forever, but your eyes, your smile
Do not have the sparkle of your fantastic past
If you climb one more mountain it could be your last

I'm not that ill--bad moments come, but they go
Some days are fine, some a little bit harder
But that doesn't mean
We should give up our dream
Have you ever seen
Me defeated?
Don't you forget what I've been through and yet
I'm still standing.

Eva (or Dana...), you are dying.

So what happens now?
Where am I going to?

Don't ask anymore.

Where do we go from here?
This isn't where we intended to be.
We had it all
You believed in me
I believed in you

Certainties disappear
What do we do for our dream to survive
How do we keep all our passions alive
As we used to do?

Deep in my heart I'm concealing
Things that I'm longing to say
Scared to confess what I'm feeling
Frightened you'll slip away
You must love me
You must love me

Why are you at my side?
How can I be any use to you now?
Give me a chance and I'll let you see how
Nothing has changed.

Deep in my heart I'm concealing
Things that I'm longing to say
Scared to confess what I'm feeling
Frightened you'll slip away
You must love me
You must love me
You must love me

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