Write to Gillian and David

You can send fan mail and letters and what have you to this address:

Gillian Anderson/David Duchovny
c/o The X-Files
20th Century Fox
10201 Pico Blvd
Los Angeles, CA 90035

But be warned....both Gilly and Dave are very busy people, and while they do read and appreciate their fan mail, they may not have the time to answer every letter. So here are some hints that may be helpful in getting an actual response and/or autograph.

1) Be original and creative in your letter. "I love you! I am your biggest fan!" is something Gilly and Dave see and hear every day. Give them specific reasons why you think they're great. Site examples from episodes or the movie when telling them what fantastic actors you think they are. Make them smile and laugh. The more creative your letter, the more likely you are to get a response, I believe.

2) Include with your letter a self-addressed, double-stamped envelope. It's only courtesy, and GREATLY increases your odds of getting a response. It's not necessary; just highly recommended.

3) If you want an autographed picture, try to include a picture you want signed. It makes it easier on them.

Best of luck, y'all. If anyone writes to our dynamic duo and actually receives a reply, please let me know, so I can turn green with envy at your good fortune!!!

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