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Last modified: 1 October 1997.
Send comments and/or criticism to
Simon E. Phipp(Geo Cities)

Simon E. Phipp(Work - Dublin)

Moscow Back to Home Page



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Violent Times


For those who have not yet worked it out, I am currently working and living in Moscow in Russia. This is great. I am thoroughly enjoying it, thanks for asking.

The following are my thoughts and impressions of Moscow, basically what I think of the place, what I like, hate or have done here. As I am a boring, unadventurous sort of person you should probably get out while you can.


As I don’t keep a Journal or Diary and needed to keep some record of my impressions and thoughts about Moscow, I sent a number of "Postcards From Moscow" to friends who had email. I thought that I may as well include them here:
Postcard From Moscow (1)
Postcard From Moscow (2)
Postcard From Moscow (3)
Postcard From Moscow (4)