Dana - 12/05/00 18:15:20 My URL:http://netjunk.com/users/merigold My Email:merigold77@hotmail.com Fav RPG: Werewolf URL to add to my Tour: http://netjunk.com/users/merigold | Comments: So, there I was, reading along, and BLAM! outta nowhere comes this story, like I never saw it coming or nothin'... |
Tremereides - 09/11/00 13:40:59 My URL:http://santhus_dragonetti.tripod.com/my00chars/ Blood Type: Preferrably from the inner thigh Fav RPG: V:tM | Comments: Ahhhhh....Great to be back! i read all the way to a "to be contiunued" on the adventures of mali may a while back and it took me nearly the entire year to find this site again.Btw, im Jared_of_clan_ravnos from an earlyer message, sorry if it seemed alittl stupid.great site, i always love reading and losing myself for hours here. |
michael massa - 08/13/00 13:12:48 My Email:michaelmassa@msn.com Blood Type: I take mine Thick- with a touch of white cells URL to add to my Tour: None- Yet | Comments: (Speaking in 'that Vein'...) I think that my morbid and adventurous curiosity has turned into infactuation (sp).... Mikey! |
Martin - 06/06/00 16:53:17 Fav RPG: Vampire: the Maquerade | Comments: Your site is great, I wanna encourage you to keep on doing what you are doing. It`s good knowing that there are other V:tM lovers out there... thanx. |
- 04/19/00 09:07:04 | Comments: The site is undeniably nice... You have my respects for that. The English language seems to be lost to some, though (just viewed your questbook, and the very first thing I see is the comment of some ´5th genration ventrue elder´, who should check his gram ar... just a thought...) |
- 04/13/00 04:34:16 | Comments: |
Vargoss - 04/11/00 17:20:06 Blood Type: N/A I feed on blood, and don`t contain any of my own... Fav RPG: Vampire: the masquerade | Comments: Very nice work...I am indeed impressed of the site!!! Those weak mortals doesn`t understand that we really does exist...but the time of gehenna WILL arrive. And that`s probably the time they will face the REAL world, till then... mortals must be fed upon nd embraced. keep it up kindreds...great site!!! -Vargoss, 5th generation Ventrue elder |
Baby Vamp - 04/11/00 12:24:42 My Email:Babykiller111@bolt.com Blood Type: AB- | Comments: You truly know what your doing. |
Delphi Reyale Battue - 03/19/00 01:31:05 My Email:Amillorin@yahoo.com Blood Type: universal doner...haha Fav RPG: AD&D | Comments: Cool page. I'll check back again later. |
Enrico "EGO" Vignoli - 02/24/00 11:47:47 My Email:darkomen@kataweb.it Blood Type: A- Fav RPG: Kult | Comments: What a great job here! I'm a young, handsome toreador looking for young girls to feed on... |
Suvi - 02/21/00 08:12:22 My Email:robroy_1@hotmail.com Blood Type: A positive Fav RPG: The Masquerade | Comments: Greetings from Finland! Great site, I must say. Good job! I've started to play The Masquerade only a couple of weeks ago, but I'm already dependent on it. *..she says, with a glassful of bl.. red wine in her hand*.. Ventures rule! |
jared_of_clan_ravnos - 02/09/00 13:40:24 My Email:jp306@juno.com Blood Type: A-positive Fav RPG: V:TM | Comments: cool site..very inventive and funny in some places.would u happen to have info on the antideluvians?such as possibly there names? thanks for reading this. sighned:Jared_Of_Clan_Ravnos |
Lord Suggs - 01/29/00 08:31:15 My Email:http://www.arse.no Blood Type: Rhesus- Fav RPG: Call of Chtulhu | Comments: Very Nice of you, cheers mate |
pat murffy - 01/04/00 23:56:28 Blood Type: o- Fav RPG: vanper the masquerade | Comments: |
- 01/03/00 04:03:01 | Comments: |
Oliver Sak - 12/17/99 13:40:23 My Email:oliversak@funtastic.net Blood Type: A-Pos Fav RPG: Vampire, Cutullu | Comments: Congratiolationes |
Bleep - 12/15/99 01:58:09 My Email:BleepMalkLasombra@hotmail.com Blood Type: A positive Fav RPG: Vampire the Masquerade | Comments: Malkavians rule, so do Lasombra Antitribu. Death to the betrayers! |
jonatan elftorp - 12/14/99 14:15:23 My Email:nurgel69@hotmail.com Blood Type: type 0 posetiv | Comments: great page really great but you should put out clan info an some of that crap. buy the way tremer bit the dust in sweden yhe children of Trall rules |
Deeoh - 12/03/99 21:11:43 My Email:edoardofusco@hotmail.com Fav RPG: Vampire: the Masquerade | Comments: I'm desperately looking for some good adventure ideas!!! My Chronicle takes place in Milan and I can't find any entertaining event to play with the other players.... |
Massi - 12/01/99 22:29:49 | Comments: I'm from Italy, where "Vampire" is not very famous, so I look in Internet to find information. Good site!!! Massi |
Starla - 11/21/99 17:10:09 My Email:Fat_girls_rock@hotmail.com | Comments: i love this page but i would really love to learn more about it i have a deep interest in it. my pic is at www.angelafire.com/ia/tlmrulz/angela.html |
TJ - 11/19/99 16:18:01 My Email:darkstalker316@hotmail.com Blood Type: N/A Fav RPG: Vampire the Masquerade | Comments: I hope to find out more on Vampire the Masquerade and gain some new companions along my travels. |
- 11/14/99 03:21:15 | Comments: |
Anonymous - 11/12/99 12:01:35 Fav RPG: Vampire | Comments: Good site. |
mike - 11/12/99 02:29:15 My Email:atomictoad@hotmail.com Blood Type: 3˝ A+ Fav RPG: Vampire: The Masquerade URL to add to my Tour: angelfire messed it up with pop up windows in every frame... }:o( | Comments: hey, cool page, it's good that people support rpg's they're fun.... i can't play anymore cause everyone that used to play around here left and went to college =/... oh well, anyhow, keep up the good work.. later |
mike - 11/12/99 02:26:33 My Email:atomictoad@hotmail.com Blood Type: 3˝ A+ | Comments: |
Whitez TxX - 11/05/99 08:40:57 My Email:Pcs_crew@Hotmail.com Blood Type: Potent... Fav RPG: Vampire: The Masquerade | Comments: Excellent site... us Vampires must learn to breach the surface of the unknowing ones... but remember not to learn them of our ways, before they are embraced... Greets from denmark... Malkavian, House of Malkavian. |
Nickolai Petrovski - 11/04/99 23:05:58 My Email:EinsNicht@aol.com Blood Type: RH Negative Fav RPG: Vampire The Masquerade | Comments: I see that you have put time and thought into this. Excellent! I believe that in time you will see the power behind your words, no? |
Mac McGreger - 07/24/99 15:01:36 My URL:http://members.tripod.com/mcgreger My Email:mcgreger@wans.net Blood Type: ??? Fav RPG: Vampire? | Comments: Hey Robin! Just wanted to let you know I found your site and the others you told me about. I am really thinking hard about joining up. Bye! Macster |
cabbi - 07/20/99 20:22:32 My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/biz3/cabbular24/index.html My Email:cabbi69@hotmail.com Blood Type: b+ Fav RPG: unknown URL to add to my Tour: www.angelfire.com/biz3/cabbular24/index.html | Comments: this rocks dude!!!! stay kool visit my site its not really on vampires but i am updating it and i am goin to add more stuff. my site is pretty much about me. |
Balaruis Von Mydros - 03/25/99 21:11:22 My Email:balaruis@ix.netcom.com Blood Type: Young Females Fav RPG: Vampire | Comments: A great page and interesting story..... Balaruis Von Mydros 7th Generation Tremere, House Tremere |
Jocelyn Locksley - 03/24/99 05:31:23 My URL:http://members.xoom.com/ArcanumX My Email:ladyfae@hotmail.com Blood Type: Sweet and luscious Fav RPG: Vampire: SAbN, of course | Comments: I finally made it, and I must say......it's fucking awesome! ::Licks her lips in delight:: |
Jocelyn Locksley - 03/24/99 05:26:11 My URL:http://members.xoom.com/ArcanumX My Email:ladyfae@hotmail.com Blood Type: Sweet and luscious Fav RPG: Vampire: SAbN, of course | Comments: I finally made it, and I must say......it's fucking awesome! ::Licks her lips in delight:: |
Will - 11/25/98 04:02:03 My URL:/Area51/Dimension/2363/sanantoniobynight My Email:chiech-balaam@msn.com Blood Type: A Pos Fav RPG: SAbN | Comments: Ok, it is signed, are you happy! See you on the river! |
Steve - 10/18/98 17:49:23 My URL:/Yosemite/Geyser/4646/ My Email:skate@no.spam Blood Type: red Fav RPG: NA URL to add to my Tour: www.geocities.com/Yosemite/Geyser/4646/ | Comments: Keep up the good work. Have you ever wanted to inline skate in Dallas Texas? Visit my page and see the bike trails around White Rock Lake (more to come).
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing and came accross your page Thanks
Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 02:40:48
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
JonJon 11th gene brujah - 05/05/98 06:44:46 My URL:sh**...I wish My Email:DeShAy69@msn.com Blood Type: um...bad..i guess Fav RPG: masquerade&RIFTS | Comments: Tight a$$ page put my name some were im trying to earn some medals for BRUJAH.Keep it up!!!! |
Roxy Rockstar - 04/26/98 20:01:02 My Email:You have it! Blood Type: Bombay Sapphire | Comments: WOW! You've done it. I've known of your talent since we were kids!! |
jonathan - 04/19/98 06:24:44 My Email:deshay69@msn.com Fav RPG: dbn,rifts | Comments: great page millie is hookin me up wit a character so you'll see me around pretty soon.Im gonna be a brujah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
John Le Clere - 04/15/98 21:13:04 Blood Type: Do you have to ask again? Fav RPG: WW-Dbn | Comments: Alright now Mali, Is everybody updating their sites now? I just thought that I would let you know that I came(no pun intended) I saw, and I love the new site. Keep up the good work and we will see you soon. Hopefully, I won't have to hide. |
Space Cowboy - 03/31/98 06:07:58 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/heartland/meadows/9764 My Email:MauriceSP@hotmail.com Blood Type: 2 parts gin and a slice of lime Fav RPG: Cyberpunk URL to add to my Tour: http://www.enigmacomputers.com/wpbn/ | Comments: Well...probably don't know me but I pop about occasionally. Just thought I say greetings and pay my respects. |
James III - 02/14/98 18:58:30 My Email:jranderson@worldnet.att.net Blood Type: Why would I tell you guys? | Comments: I like it Robin. Good job. And as I've heard someone say somewhere...."More, please" |
Ladyhawk - 02/05/98 05:46:07 My Email:AnnR_Kist@Mailexcite.com Blood Type: O+ Fav RPG: Werewolf, Vampire, Rifts | Comments: I came, I saw...... and look, I have my name in the credits. |
John Le Clere - 01/19/98 15:24:32 Blood Type: male(you'll have to taste to find out) Fav RPG: DBN | Comments: I just wanted to give you some encouragement on your site. You already know my email address so I didn't figure that you needed it again. |
Khaymen - 01/12/98 19:19:50 My Email:Hawk_stevenson@hotmail.com Blood Type: female Fav RPG: The Masquerade | Comments: I love them young |
Evil - 01/11/98 03:27:08 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~sanction_/ My Email:Sanction_@msn.com Blood Type: Tangy with some chunky bits Fav RPG: Shadowrun URL to add to my Tour: top secret, oh wait you already have it hee hee hee | Comments: hee hee hee Now you have a guestbook I can finally tell you what I think of your Site... I love it hee hee! More? |
Mali May - 01/11/98 00:54:42 My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dimension/9965/ My Email:mali_may@hotmail Blood Type: O Neg Fav RPG: Church: Gobble the Ghoul | Comments: So stop picking on me - who else is here to test my guest book? |