
Impulsive Reactions

Below are what I have dubbed 'Impulsive Reactions'. They basically are whatever happened to be a big thing on my mind at the time and that I felt like writing up and posting for the world too see. Generally, they're not the most well thought out of pieces but, that's part of the name. I hope you enjoy them and as always feel free to write with comments.

Rest in Peace Owen Hart

An article I wrote for the UWL Editorials and have posted here since it is still very much on my mind. A truly tragic loss.

The End of Tradition

I never intended for all of these to be on wrestling and I promice they won't be but,it is a thing I like very much so it will pop up from time to time. Anyway, this piece centers on my thought and feelings after Psychosis, a WCW wrestler, lost his mask.

An Un-named Poem

Just a little poem I wrote. I don't usually write poetry but this one just seemed to flow out.


A work in progress that I wrote after seeing the movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. A tribute to the love of my life. Well it will be when it's done anyway.

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