Wolves Killed by California Wildfire.

July 31, 2002

According to Channel 10 News of San Diego, California, at least four wolves have been killed in the Pines Fire near Julian. The wolves were being held at the California Wolf Center, a local wolf sactuary near the city of San Diego, in the mountains northeast of town.
The Pines Fire erupted last Monday, July 29th, sometime in the afternoon. Over the past few days, the fire grew from 1,000 acres to 15,000 and it has only been 10% contained. Numerous fire fighters have been dispatched to the region to help fight the blaze which has destroyed five houses and evacuated hundreds of residents.
It was the fire fighters that went in and attempted to save the wolves at the California Wolf Center. They managed to save about a dozen, but, tragically, four to five of the wolves have died, trapped in their enclosures with nowhere to run.
It is unknown at this time if the California Wolf Center had time to react to the fire or activate some kind of evacuation plan prior to the fire advancing upon the site.

I am both deeply saddened and angry. I'm going to bite my lip for now, but the way it looks for the California Wolf Center, in my opnion, is not very good. Until I get the full story, I won't voice my opinion of how things were handled because I truly don't know, but the facts so far don't look very favorable for their organization. I have a lot of questions of how this could be allowed to happen, especially for an organization whose sole purpose was to help protect and preserve the wolf...