Teachings of the BUDDHA |
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Live in joy, live in love, even among those who hate, Live in joy and health, even among the afflicted, Live in joy and peace, even among the troubled, Look within, be still, free from fear and attachment, know the sweet joy of the way. -Buddha- |
We are what we think, all that we are arises with our thoughts, With our thoughts we make the world, Speak or act with an impure mind and trouble will follow you as the wheel will follow the ox that draws the cart. -Buddha- |
The perfume of sandlewood, rosebay or jasmine cannot travel against the wind, but the fragrance of virtue travels even against the wind, even as far as the ends of the world, Like garlands woven from a heap of flowers, fashion your life as many good deeds. -Buddha- |
How joyful to look upon the awakened and to keep comapny with the wise, Follow then the shining ones, the wise, the awakened, the loving, for they know how to work and forbear, But if you cannot find friend or master to go with you, travel on alone, go joyfully and overcome the dangers of the way as sure as the moon follows the path of the stars. -Buddha- |
There is no fire like greed, no crime like hatred, no sorrow like separation, no sickness like the hunger of the heart, and no joy like the joy of freedom. Health, contentment and trust are your greatest possessions, freedom is your greatest joy. Look within, be still. Free from fear and attachment, know the sweet joy of living in the way. -Buddha- |
The results of Karma cannot be known by thought, and so should not be speculated about. Thus thinking of these things one would come to distraction and distress. Therefore, do not be the judge of people, do not make assumptions about others. A person is destroyed by holding judgements about others. -Buddha- |
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All things conditioned are unstable and impermanent, fragile in essence as an unbaked pot, like something borrowed, or a city built on sand, they last a short while only. The are inevitably destroyed like plaster washed off in the rain, like the sandy bank of a river in flood, they are conditioned and their true nature is frail. The are like the flame of a lamp which rises suddenly and soon goes out, they have no power of endurance, like the wind or like the foam, unsubstantial and essentially feeble. The sage knows the beginning and the end of consciousness, it's production and passing away, the sage knows it comes from nowhere and returns to nowhere, and is empty of reality like a conjurering trick. The sage knows what is true reality and sees all conditioned things as empty and powerless. -Buddha- |
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If you wish to see the truth then hold no opinions for or against anything. To set up what you like against what you dislike is a disease of the mind. When the deep meaning of things are not understood the mind's essential peace is disturbed. The way is perfect like the vastness of space where nothing is lacking and nothing is in excess. Indeed it is due to our choosing to accept or reject that which prevents us from seeing the true nature of things. -Buddha- |
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When the mind exists undisturbed in the Way, nothing can offend, and when a thing can no longer offend it ceases to exist in the old way. When no discriminating thoughts arise, the old mind ceases to exist. When thought-objects vanish, the thinking-subject vanishes, as when the mind vanishes, objects vanish. Understand the relativity of these two and the basic reality is: The unity of emptiness. In this emptiness the two are indistinguishable and each contains in itself the whole world. -Buddha- |
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