The Series Episode Fourteen After the transformation of parallel earth [Will TIME and SPACE ever be the same again with a twin CLONED EARTH in a PARALLEL DIMENSION?] -------------------- Two pretty girls are seated on a park bench conversing in the early afternoon sun. "You know what Silv, I'd like you to tell me more about the COMPLEX, what is it really like?" "When you turn sixteen you'll find out Jana." "I know Silv, but couldn't you tell me a little bit, you are my sister?" "Ok heaven help me if they find out." Silv looks around to see if anyone is within listening distance. "Well you gain admittance after you turn sixteen, the OLD ONES give you a number one level clearance to use the thought controls, I've already gained level two at seventeen which allows me to transform temporarily into anything I choose and I've heard that on reaching level five, you get a world wide status that gives you the ability to travel to other dimensions." "Wow, do you mean to tell me that once I reach level two I can transform into ANYTHING I choose?" "Yes Jana." "Silv I don't believe this, you said ANYTHING!" "Yes Jana, the last time I was allowed to go to the COMPLEX I became a sperm fertilizing an egg, what an experience, it was beautiful to see how life was before the transformation." "I wonder about these things Silv, life is good for all, but I wonder why the OLD ONES won't allow us any access to our history prior to the transformation?" "Oh they say this knowledge would be harmful to our people." "I don't understand that Silv, and I always wonder if there is any truth to the legend of a powerful GODDESS coming from the stars and saving our planet from destruction?" The subject of the transformation was always considered to be in bad taste, it was against the law of the OLD ONES to be spoken of in public. Silv glances at her BIO-TIME-BAND. "Look at my biorhythmic time Jana I have to go so we we'll part now, all my love to you sweet sister until we meet again." Jana looks at Silv's time-band and sees a reddish tinge in the middle section, her own was normal flesh color, so not wanting to upset Jana she returns the parting greeting as was the custom amongst people. "All my love to you too Silv until we meet again." The two girls go their separate ways as the afternoon sun bounces off the beautiful blue-green violet lustre of crystalline structures which made up the buildings of the inner city. Jana has to curb her curiosity for the moment, yet soon her eyes would be opened far wider than SHE COULD EVER IMAGINE. |
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