The Series Episode Thirteen The last mistakes are final The EARTH is dying because so many mistakes are being made by those who control the governments, the world is choked with a population of 12 billion people, the world's economies have only wanted expansion at the expense of the environment, great advances had been made in space technology with a space city existing on the Moon and one in orbit round the Earth, there is an experimental space colony on Mars, but mankind still argues and fights, petty squabbles over land erupt into major battles and sometimes conflicts last for years, the world is divided into three major armed camps with many break away sub groups. Science has expanded so much that most diseases are long gone, experiments still continue on a scale that takes away all personal freedom to most individuals with babies being micro-chipped at birth for security, food was now the most important thing on the planet, second only to the quality of air and fresh water, underground factories all round the world churn out mass produced low quality food products by the thousands of tons, made from synthetically cloned vegetables and meat in artificial environments, but it's never enough to feed the ever increasing population. Armed forces had taken control of all the governments of the world in the name of national security, the world faced major problems of a failing supply of clean air because the oceans were so polluted, no rain forests remained, the green house effect and the now more understood erratic orbital pattern of the planet had caused continent sized chunks of ice to break free of the polar ice caps because the Earth was slightly further from the Sun and then slightly closer, this resulted in many major cities being flooded, these enormous chunks eventually broke up into smaller chunks of ice entered the Gulf Stream and cooling the undersea flow of water causing it's saline content to alter dramatically, the consequences were horrendous, once the Gulf Stream stopped flowing correctly because of the inflow of so much fresh water, the global weather patterns all round the world went crazy, the Northern hemisphere was gripped in a perpetual winter with never ending storms of terrible intensity, while the Southern hemisphere was the opposite, bathed in unusually higher than normal hours of daylight and higher temperatures with higher humidity that caused cyclonic conditions and super waves on the ocean, shipping was almost at a standstill in all ports, this caused the whole agricultural system of farming to shift globally with the Govt's of the world taking over complete control of the food industry, and the mass production of artificial food went under the ground to escape the now harmful ultra violet rays. [ Some scientists theorized and even had math that proved the experiments of exploding atomic bombs in the atmosphere back in the 1950s and 60s had caused the planet to wobble on it's axis, and this calamity of the Earth's erratic behavior was the direct result.] The populations everywhere in all cities are placed under the command of the armed forces and food rationing was the law, this brought rioting and small renegade groups snipe the Govt forces day and night, no place is safe except the heavily armed and guarded underground rail system run by the army, which gave all people with the right clearance the right to travel to any part of the world on super fast electric-photon powered nuclear trains via the vast network of tunnels under the oceans. Solar storms on the Sun have become more intense because of the slightly erratic nature of the magnetic poles, science has a number one priority, feed the people and clean the air, so they experiment in space with neutron bombardment of sea water from satellites to release oxygen. Everything seems to go quite well as huge quantities of oxygen is released and the atmosphere starts to look like it will rejuvenate over a period of time, scientists even plan to use the same technology on Mars in the hope that Mars will become fertile enough to feed the billions on Earth. All great plans have flaws and when they send more satellites up to bombard the sea with laser guided neutrons they don't count on one of the satellites malfunctioning because of the congestion and the close proximity of each satellite, one of these nuclear powered satellites accidentally nudges another and causes it's directional navigation to malfunction, it turns in the wrong direction and starts bombarding the satellite next to it, the next one turns and does the same and so on it goes like a set of dominoes, the result is the explosion of hundreds of nuclear powered satellites in a chain reaction falling into the atmosphere and releasing massive amounts of radiation. In later years the scientists still alive have a theory it might not have been an accident at all, but whether it was or not the result was asphyxiation for all living things that lived above the ground, the atmosphere was now deadly poisonous. All that remains are survivors trapped in underground communities which were built in anticipation of this last commitment to world-wide power struggles. There was still a small base on the Moon and an experimental colony on Mars, and an orbiting space city, but their future looked bleak without the food and supplies for the shuttles to supply them with. Three main underground cities were still functioning, one in Australia deep under the desert of the nullarbor plain, one inside a mountain in North America, and another in South America, however the South American underground city was thought to have been damaged by severe earthquakes. The accident then became known as The Terrible Wipeout of 99, it all happened so fast it took everyone by surprise, leaving no room for any planned escapes. After the WIPEOUT the total population of Earth is thought to be approximately 500,000 people left alive world wide. [Unknown is the effect that Diana's aperture in space will have upon Earth.] Earth passes through Diana's aperture at the same time as the nuclear powered satellites explode in the atmosphere. There is a shift in TIME created by Diana's Solar System sized APERTURE, another EARTH emerges from the ashes creating TWO, one has followed the course of confrontation, experimentation and destruction of the environment, and is now almost dead with the exception of underground cities. The second EARTH that DIANA has CLONED is a planet of nurture, this place is where all children are taught to revere nature and protect it, these people have only a small population growth, they know no disease, hunger is unheard of, their energy is clean and free, they place no value on material things, they practice a world-wide philosophy of love and tolerance. This New Earth has been placed so far into the future it is almost beyond reach. ALMOST INTO ANOTHER DIMENSION, A MIRROR IMAGE OF THE CONDITIONS THAT COULD HAVE BEEN NOW BECOME A REALITY. |
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