The Series
                                                                  Episode Eleven
                                                                      The Spiral

The INKY BLACKNESS was in all directions, Diana strains to see anything at all but could not, how long have I been here she thought, there was no way of knowing, the passage of time was impossible to gauge.
She thinks she sees an old silver haired man in a rocking chair, his face turns ghostly white and he keeps muttering.
"You have passed your test"
"You have passed your test"
"You have passed your test"
Repeating this over and over.
Then Diana imagines she sees the APERTURE, a grotesque black shape appears in it and repeats over and over...
"Watch what your reward will be little girl."
A voice rings out, "It's time ..."It's time", clocks of all shapes and sizes with different times go floating by, some upside down, some upright, side-ways, spinning, an incessant TICK-TOCK, TICK-TOCK, TICK-TOCK..... going faster and faster until it was almost unbearable then NOTHING but SILENCE ... and BLACKNESS.......
A buck and doe appear before Diana, she sees them crumpled up in agony as they lay dying, the APERTURE comes into view,
Delia is in it saying,
"I was the trap" ...
"I was on the other side"...
"I was the trap"...
"I was the trap"...
"I was on the other side"
Diana thinks to herself.......
"I wonder how long I've been here...... where am I ....... what's happening to me..... I wish jesse could help me."
Diana hears a roar like thunder ... nine round balls of light appear ... zooming up ... zooming down ... whispering...
"We are the one"...
"We are the one"...
"We are the one"...
A small light seems to glow faintly in the distance like the glow of a candle at the end of a long tunnel, the light grows in intensity until Diana perceives it as a small ball of weak light, she couldn't tell how far off it was, then a voice comes faintly through the blackness like the voice of someone over a vast distance of water in the dead of night.
"Diana it's me Jesse, you're in terrible danger, I think I can help you."
"Oh Jesse I need your help, do you know where I am and why I have no control over my Energy-belt?"
"Diana this black place you're in, it's OUTSIDE of TIME and SPACE, TIME has stopped for you, you can't use your belt because it isn't there."
"Jesse I've never been without my belt since I turned sixteen, can you please explain this?"
"Diana you're here in intellect, you have no body."
"But Jesse I can see you!"
"No Diana you can't see anything, you no longer have human form, you must be able to perceive things in other ways."
"Oh"....... says diana.
"After looking at your situation, I can only advise you on a course of action which might help."
"Please do that Jesse."
"You have to get back to the APERTURE at the exact moment in TIME that you left, at that precise moment you will have a split second to divert your journey, if you don't you might spend the rest of ETERNITY here, the Atlantian scientists had 200 years of EARTH TIME to plan for your arrival, they were scared of your powers Diana, they betrayed your trust in them and set this trap for you."
The small ball of light is fading as the faint voice comes through to Diana.
"Diana all the power of the ATLANTIAN PYRAMID GRID on EARTH was focused on you when you emerged from the APERTURE on Atlantis with King Ares, the energy of the pyramids had an astral plane effect on you, you landed in LIMBO, a place in between TIME, you only have a few more minutes to act, after that the SPACE TIME co-ordinates will shift out of your reach."
"What do you advise me to do Jesse?"
"Diana the NINE asked me to look in on you, so I've been monitoring everything, you were very difficult to find here in this place that has NO TIME, the only thing that might work for you is your power of concentration, if you concentrate on a SPIRAL and RUN ON IT until you are going faster than THE SPEED OF LIGHT, then you might get back to your original SPACE-TIME."
The ball of light that's Jesse fades faster now and his voice is getting so weak Diana can hardly hear him.
"If you're successful, at the instant you return to your body use your RUBY ENERGY BELT and return to the WALL, otherwise if you are hit again with the energy-ray it will mean total disintegration for you Diana."
"Thank you Jesse."
The faint ball of light fades completely and Diana was back in the inky blackness alone and scared.
DIANA concentrated like she has never concentrated before, using everything she has been taught, she FORMS a gigantic MENTAL SPIRAL and starts running on it, then she runs faster and faster and as each turn in her MENTAL SPIRAL is reached she looks ahead only to see a larger one in front of her, she knows she must go faster, she MENTALLY increases her speed until at the speed of light she can hear voices, Diana hears her own voice and the voice of King Ares, she knows she is close, there was a tingling feeling again, and SNAP, Diana was back in her body!
She instantly uses her ruby-energy-belt, and returns to her own dimension.
Diana has experienced great treachery at the hands of the Atlantians, the people she had saved,

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