The Series
                                                                      Episode Ten
                                          Escape through the Apertures of Space & Time

Diana instructs Ares to gather his people together as quickly as possible at five locations on Atlantis to inform them of the dangers they face and make ready to leave.
She creates five huge APERTURES on the surface, which upon entry find those who cross through them, on Earth, 200 years in the PAST before the death of Atlantis.
The ATLANTIANS arrive on Earth in the most temperate zones, scientists, technicians, craftsmen, workers, women and children, space vehicles, flying machines, vehicles, machinery, a mass exodus of every living thing with their technology passing from the doomed planet, all going through Diana's SPACE TIME APERTURES.
After the Atlantians arrive on earth they build UNDERGROUND CITIES world wide with thousands of miles of tunnels under the surface linking the cities with PYRAMID ENERGY, they have cars that are capable of traveling at high speeds through these tunnels.
They build undersea cities too with specially adapted people with gills who can live underwater as easily as fish, underground and undersea pyramids are built and set up in a world wide GRID to provide powerful energy for the cities, they also attract the COMETS and ASTEROIDS into the oceans to save the land masses when the bombardment of ICE COMETS occur.
The Atlantian scientists make many experiments, their people can't live on the surface because earth's fierce ultra-violet rays alter their metabolism and cause their immune systems to fail bringing them premature agonizing death, so they cross the genes of Atlantians and humans with animals in the hope they will come up with a hybrid species that can live on the surface, nothing works for them, the Atlantians are doomed to live underground, thousands of years of CLONING has sealed their fate genetically.
By back engineering Diana's APERTURES the Atlantian scientists learn how to reverse the TIME SPANS on the APERTURES, extend the time frame references and then they have the fantastic ability to appear and disappear in their pyramid energy machines, they only make these maneuvers after the SUN has set to avoid ultra violet radiation, this new found technology gives them the power to manipulate EARTH TIME to the detriment of other species, they are able to co-exist with other Atlantians in two sometimes three different TIME PERIODS many years apart, and as they keep experimenting with TIME the scientists grow more and more confident of being able to eventually TIME TRAVEL back into the PAST to regain and bring back ATLANTIS to it's former glory.
In the five days leading up to the destruction of Atlantis, Diana spends many hours at the WALL studying Earth's FUTURE progress over the coming years.
She watches fascinated as she sees the persecution of different races because of their beliefs.
She watches changes to the climate from ice age glaciers to beautiful mountain ranges and tropical forests, many different species of birds and animals APPEAR then there is the arrival of MODERN MAN.
Diana is amazed as she watches the last 2100 years, humans have become saturated in an orgy of power and greed embarking on war after war and experimentation's.
Then the ultimate horror, they have invented bombs that explode atoms, Diana sees to her dismay the vile misuse of this great knowledge, she watches in horror as she sees the power of the NEUTRON being ACCIDENTALLY released upon humans from SPACE, a space accident that runs rampant through the ATMOSPHERE from atomic powered SATELLITES resulting in the entire planet's oxygen and nitrogen becoming RADIOACTIVE and almost all the people of EARTH accidentally dying from asphyxiation in the year of 2099.
Diana decides she will try to stop this calamity from happening, this event won't occur for many years so until then helping the Atlantians to overcome their disaster was the most important thing to do at the moment.
Little did Diana know that many Atlantian scientists were scared of her and they were plotting her destruction, back on Atlantis Diana enters King Ares' chamber and says.
"Sir, everything is going to plan for your people, they are all safely on EARTH two hundred years in the PAST, we've waited long enough, the rogue planet is only an hour away, I propose we leave immediately, will you please accompany me to EARTH King Ares."
"Yes Diana we can leave now, I feel very sad to leave my planet."
Ares and Diana are the last people to leave, they both step forward entering the APERTURE in the chamber of the pyramid, King Ares greets his people on the other side then turns to speak to Diana, she isn't there.
As DIANA steps through the APERTURE with ARES she experiences a slight tingling sensation, then all she sees is BLACKNESS, she feels cold and numb and very puzzled.

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