The Series
                                                                   Episode Nine
                                                                The tenth planet

Ares sat in silence watching Diana using the complex THOUGHT CONTROLS on the WALL, she displayed a depiction of the FUTURE by showing Ares a SPEEDED UP model of the SOLAR SYSTEM with TEN planets, Jupiter's dark twin speeds away, returning two million years later.
Diana says.
"This is what happens in five days time when it's scheduled to return into the SOLAR SYSTEM."
The display showed Jupiter's twin looming large with a family of comets and mile wide chunks of ice and asteroids towed along for the ride, the bombardment began as Atlantis turned on it's axis, COMETS ASTEROIDS and ICE rain down on the planet's surface at thirty thousand miles an hour, ATLANTIS quickly lost it's atmosphere.
The beautiful buildings, the artifacts, the people, everything was gone, nothing but dust left with few exceptions, just a pyramid shape here and there, a complete civilization wiped out as if it had never existed, Earth had scars too, the comets were attracted to Earth's oceans where they exploded causing tidal waves, soon after this an ICE AGE enveloped the entire planet, what was left of primitive hunter gatherers were forced to live in cave refuges on mountain ridges in equatorial regions.
Ares asks.
"Diana how could this happen so quickly without warning?"
"Ares the runaway planet has a two million year orbit round the SUN, it's never seen because it's always in deep space, it has a magnetic field that blanks out your warning systems, it travels fast and appears from behind the sun."
"Diana what caused this TWIN planet to go out of orbit in the first place?"
"A dying STAR wandering the GALAXY came into the magnetic attraction of the SUN, once it was caught in an orbit then it became a threat to Jupiter's twin, because of it's
ANTIMAGNETIC field it knocked the twin out of the solar system, the dying star that caused this is called VENUS."
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