The Series
                                                                 Episode Four
                                                       Enter the Black Guardian

The past is dim, the present never really exists, the future is only a possibility, yet this moment in time is a precious REALITY.
Diana felt strange being sent on this new venture, the ONE wanted her to examine all the problems that existed on this little planet and try to resolve them as best as possible, she knew so little about the new culture she'd created by proxy.
Diana excelled in diversity and had a great love of life, as a bright STAR she watches and listens, after seeing all the ramifications of what she'd started, the WARS and the suffering people were experiencing, she filled with sadness, and the dilemma of all this overwhelmed her, she didn't know what to do, before she separates from this reality and returns to her own dimension Diana leaves an embodiment of hope and love behind her in IMAGES and ICONS that represent the ONE for those who have faith and believe in miraculous representations.
On her return she's surprised to find she now has the friendship of a nine year old boy called Jesse sent to join her by the ONE, blonde like herself, articulate and advanced far beyond his years.
Diana had plenty to occupy her TIME these days, Jesse was a master of mathematics, with his knowledge of geometry he reconstitutes the WALL, it now has separate sections, one section could reflect PAST EVENTS, another could reflect the PRESENT, the third could reflect FUTURE possibilities.
Diana and Jesse were watching the WALL with great interest when they happened upon the developments of world war two on planet Earth.
They observed in awe as multitudes of innocent people were destroyed by Hitler's insatiable lust for power, his defeat and last moments in the bunker, they watched with fascination as the body was taken and burnt, Diana spoke quickly to Jesse.
"Jesse move to the next section, trace what just happened in slow motion."
They watch amazed.
As the body burned a separation took place, a black shape lifts away from the corpse.
Jesse had focused in on this then the black shape dematerialized, they were unable to follow, it moved to a TIME & SPACE outside Diana's dimension.
Attention was quickly drawn to the APERTURE when they saw the same black shape they'd tried to follow, it faded in and out as it spoke to them in an arrogant voice.
"I'm the GUARDIAN of the BLACK HOLE UNIVERSE little girl, I don't like being spied on, I felt the probing of your mind, you have upset me, watch what your reward will be for meddling in my affairs."
The black guardian fades from the APERTURE, in it appears a familiar sight of the Sun and nine planets, then there was a closer VIEW of EARTH, desolation was everywhere as BLACK CLOUDS FELL DOWN AND ENVELOPED THIS ONCE BEAUTIFUL PLANET.

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