The Series
                                                             Episode Three
                                                              Mirror Image

The APERTURE was faded and dull while the old man sat in his chair sleeping.
Diana had reached twenty one years of age, she'd grown into a beautiful tall blonde with crystal blue eyes, dressed in leather she resembled a Greek Goddess.
Something APPEARS in the APERTURE, she looks at it and thinks ........
"How can this be possible?"
Staring at her was a facsimile of herself as though she was looking in a mirror.
Diana never saw anything like this before, she reaches over to touch her father on the arm to wake him, he vanishes completely.
A voice speaks to her from the aperture.
"Diana I'm Delia."
Diana is confused and says.
"I don't know what's happening, can you enter please?"
Delia answers.
"No Diana, I cannot enter, if we were to meet in person it would be the end of both of us."
Diana is very puzzled.
"Please explain your presence."
"Diana when you experienced your TESTS, do you think you were alone, NO ...... I was on the other side, every move you made was BALANCED by me, when you visited that planet near the yellow STAR you became a baby, I became the TRAP, then you experienced LOVE, I became HATE."
Diana asks.
"Are you telling me when I visited the yellow star the TEST still continued?"
"Yes Diana, I've been imparted more knowledge because the ONE decided this is how it should be."
Diana is very puzzled.
"Why do you look like me, who is the ONE?"
"Diana I am you, I'm the part you will never know, I'm your alternate self, the ONE is representative of our people."
Diana replies.
"And my father, what happened to him, where is he?"
"Diana he only existed while the ONE deemed it to be so, he was an IMAGE created by the ONE to teach you all you know, prepare for a visit to the ONE, we can join and meet with him."
"Delia you said we could never meet?"
"No not physically, we can join on the ASTRAL plane."
Diana and Delia separate from their bodies and join in the APERTURE.
Their first experience was a sensation of floating, then came LIGHT from every direction, a beautiful white light filling every space, leaving no shadow.
A voice spoke to them, it was like the rushing of a million waterfalls, or perhaps the murmur of leaves on trees as they're gently caressed by the wind.
"DIANA I represent the total of all knowledge in the UNIVERSE, I am MANY yet I am ONE, since you created a life and death struggle, love and hate now exist on that yellow star planet you call EARTH, terrible battles will rage between these forces, there are important things you must do to try and rectify these anomalies."
The light fades, Diana and Delia return to their own dimensions.
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