A fine Line
Home Of The

A fine Line
Current version: 1.01 Released: August 28, 1997

I'm sorry that this is not what one can call a flashy page at the moment, but things as Work, Family and these sort of things are difficult to combine, you know. And I didn't want to let it stand in the way of the release.

Anywayz, here is the brand new Front-End for the Gameboy Emulators drifting around on the high seas of the web, but especially for the Gameboy97 emulator by Paul Robson.
Just suck it down, unzip the file and start GBM. Read the file GBM.Me for further details.


Please note, that the above zip-file doesn't contain any emulators nor any rom-images.

May 25, 1998

As you may have noticed from the last release date of this front-end, it's hasn't been updated for a long time.

I'm sad to say that the development is discontinued... I had a lot of fun makin it for you, and I hope that it was fun for you to use.

The development however was very time consuming and I just can't find the time at the moment.


Thanks to everyone that gave me feedback and support.


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