Yaya's Rocky page

I would like, if I may, to show you around the cast of The Rocky Horror Picture Show.
Tim Curry as Dr. Frank-N-Furter
Susan Sarandon as Janet Weiss
Barry Bostwick as Brad Majors
Richard O'Brien as Riff Raff
Patricia Quinn as Magenta
Little Nell (Laura Campbell) as Columbia
Jonathan Adams as Dr. Scott
Peter Hinwood as Rocky
Charles Gray as the Criminologist and Narrator
Meat Loaf as Eddie
For a complete listing of the cast (if you're really that curious as to who the hell played Ralph Hapschatt or something), take a journey that's not so strange to this site. Here is where you can find the rest of the cast and what they have done, as well as the folks who made the movie---NOT THE BOOK, THE MOVIE!
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If you had roaches like this in your house, would you call the exterminator??
Don't touch me there!!! And where the hell are all my candles?? I need to throw them at a creation!!
Rocky pictures I have taken:
A dragon on a motorcycle
The dinner scene
Now we have their souls!
Columbia making her entrance
There's a light.....
Touch me.....
Other links on the web:
The Warner Brothers official RHPS site
Still more Rocky sites.
Test your sexual purity here.
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