Nan Desu Kon '99 September 24-26 1999
This anime convention is being held at the Sheraton Denver West Hotel 360 Union Boulevard, Lakewood, Colorado. More information can be obtained at this website.

StarCon '99
September 24-26, 1999
Still held out at the Holiday Inn, Interstate 70 and Chambers Road, Denver, CO. Invited guests are:
Andrew Robinson (Garek from ST:DS9)
Christopher Judge (Teal'C from Stargate SG-1)
Kari Wuhrer (Maggie from Sliders)
Richard Chevolleau (Auger from Earth: Final Conflict)
Nicholas Brendon (Xander from Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Peter Jurasik (Londo from Babylon 5)

There is no guarantee that the above people will be there for sure---anyone who goes to these things often enough knows there are things that come up and they can't be there. Either that, or they just couldn't make it out in the first place. Contact Starland for more information.


MileHiCon 31
October 22-24, 1999. It's being held at the Sheraton Hotel, 360 Union Blvd., Lakewood, Colorado.
Visit their website for more information.

MAY 2000

World Horror Convention
May 11-14, 2000 Denver Colorado.
To be held at the Adam's Mark Hotel in downtown Denver. Scheduled at the moment are:
Peter Staub
He's the author of Ghost Story, The Hellfire Club, and a lot of other stuff.
Melanie Tem
Author of Black River, Wilding, Prodigal, and lots more.
Harlan Ellison
Author of Slippage, the Edgework volumes, and film and television scripts.
J. Michael Straczynski
Currently best known for creating Babylon 5, he's also the author of Demon Night and Othersyde.
Steve Rasnic Tem
Editor of High Fantastic, author of Excavations, he's also a poet .
Ellen Datlow
Fiction editor of Omni, co-editor of The Year's Best Fantasy & Horror, and a popular anthologist.
Dan Simmons
Author of Song of Kali, the Hyperion series, and the soon to be published Crook Factory. He wil be serving as the Master of Ceremonies for this conventions.
For more information, go to their website or call 3303-341-7538.

Spring 2000
StarFest 2000
Held at the Holiday Inn I-70 and Chambers. More infomation later.

If there are any conventions in Colorado (I'll go as far as the states surrounding Colorado also) not listed, e-mail me with the information, or at the very least, the website containing the information so I can put it up here.

For conventions across the U.S.A and around the world, just click here.

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