On this site I would like to explore things we can't see or touch.I know the cliche` is "The truth is out there." This is NOT another X-Files site. There are too many of those.What I really want is to hear feedback from YOU. Have you had an unusual experience?Do you seem to have abilities others don't?Do you have an interesting ghost tale told by your grandmom? If so, I want to hear about it.Nothing is ruled out,but PLEASE PLEASE keep it clean,ok?
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Apollo WhoWhere

I'm starting a new internet service!

It's called 4getmenot!

I have added an ICQ chatroom. The info on that is on page 2.
Hopefully, we will be able to have discussions of personal experiences,etc. there on a regular basis.
As soon as I have it, I will post a schedule for these forums.
I'm doing reasearch now to add more content to this site. I'm hoping for some viewer feedback.

    Who, me?
  Pictures, we got pictures
  Coolest places I have found
  New stuff, added as often as I can

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See those that have gone before...

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