Sonic the Hedgehog Species: Hedgehog
Affiliation: Freedom Fighters
       Sonic the Hedgehog is the leader of the Freedom Fighters
resistance group. He works alongside Princess Sally and his best
friend, Tails to stay one step ahead of the villianous Dr. Robotnik
and his evil machines. The faster thing alive, he easly can outrun
even the fastest opponent and with his patented Sonic Spin, he turns
into a sawblade that can slice enemy robots to bits. He makes his home
in Knothole Village, safely hidden from Robotnik and his minions,
along with the other Freedom Fighters. His destiny and goal in life is
to end the reign of terror "Robuttnik" has caused. 


Affiliation: Freedom Fighters
	Tails is a two tailed fox that works with sonic and the other
freedom fighters to destroy Robotnik along with his side kick
snivley.His tails gives him the abitlity of flight and also to
keep up with sonic. Tails is the youngest freedom fight along with
Amy Rose so he does not go on many missions with Sonic.


Species:1/2 Chipmunk 1/2 Squirrel
Affiliation: Freedom Fighters
	Sally is one of the freedom fighters greatest leaders for her
 computer knowledge and her fast thinking ways it is no wonder
 that she is the top fighter of the group. Sally was the next for
 the ruler of the planet mobius until the evil robotnick came and
 took over, throwing her father in the zone of silince. Leaving 
 Sally to gather a group of mobians to start a massive rebelion 
 agianst the sultan of flab.


Species: Rabbit
Affiliation: Freedom Fighters
	Bunnie was ordinary modian before Robotnik got involved.
 Bunnie was caught by Robuttnik's SWAT bots and was put through
 the robotisizer. Before she was 100% robotisied Sonic came and
 saved her , leaving her left arm and both of her legs
 robotisized. Now she is helping the freedom with the strength
 that the robot parts give her.


Species: walrus
Affiliation: Freedom fighters
	Rotor is probably the most important character to the freedom
 fighters because not only is he the brain of the village he is
 also the only 0one with enough knowledge of electronices to
 build and fix items.

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