If you're having trouble with the Sonic games or you are wanting to find new ways to play you have came to the right place.

*Stage select*
	When when you see sonic after the SEGA logo press

*sudden death*

	at the demo press and hold A,B,C and sonic will run into
 objects and kill himself.

	When when you see sonic after the SEGA logo press
 UP,C,DOWN,C,LEFT,C,RIGHT,C and hold all three buttons A,B,C
 press START.

press the following
A:change item
B:back to normal
C:place the item

sonic 2

*STAGE SELECT* At the sound test play 19,65,9 and 17 hold A and press start. *SUPER SONIC* Sound test play 4,1,2,6 *CONTINUES* Sound test play 1,1,2,4 move to player select,press START *DEBUG MODE* do super sonic code then play 1,9,9,2,1,1,2,4 press A then START press the following A:change item B:back to normal C:place the item

sonic and knuckles

*CHAOS EMERALD STAGES* Put Sonic 1 or sonic spinball in the top of Sonic and Knuckles game when you see the sign NO WAY press A,B,C together.Now you can press START to go to the first level or you could press down on the control pad to go to the bottom of the screen where there is a lot of numbers. Replace these numbers with any one of these codes to go to another level. (LEVEL 2) 2965 3192 9023 (LEVEL 3) 3610 2354 7327 (LEVEL 4) 2921 0274 3999 (LEVEL 5) 3737 7423 1487 (LEVEL 6) 3053 9029 9071 SONIC THE HEDGEHOG IS PROPERTY OF SEGA CORPARATION