For any of you that has been a frequent visitor to my page (a laughable notion, I assure you), you might have noticed the problems. Originally known as "Doug's RPG Page", It was well praised as being a great use of forms, and as containing decent amounts of information. Generally, a "pen-and-paper" resource for a variety of titles, it served as a "jack-of-all-trades" and "master of none". I could have been satisfied, yes I could, but was I? No.

My "Non-RPG" section (originally a side-line project) grew bit by bit and eventually I decided I wanted a "variety page". I (of course) kept all of my RPG work but pushed it under the title: "Wyrm's Play" and left to fester as the pain in the back of my brain. Any of you that have visited the "Wyrm Hole" lately know that the non-rpg was crap stuff. What is a web-designer to do? Well, start again.

Wyrm's Play will be the basic name for this web address, and will include 3 subsections. The first will be "Wyrm Hole Games", which will be a free resource for RPGers everywhere. Written by me an my man Silver (and perhaps others), it will be at least fun to read. In general, anyone who visited the original page knows the format...though I will rework it. There will be added two new sections. My "Video-RPG" section will grow to become "Elektronic Portals" and will feature the standard tips, reviews, previews, screenshots, downloads, etc that most other similar sites have. The one difference is that it will have 16 subjective categories to rate and at least 3 or 4 objective categories in which it rates games. The last of the sections will be called "Circle of Paladins" and will be a discussion forum for religious role-players, as well as the ground where religion and role-playing collide. Though the original group is all Christian, other religions are welcome to join in and participate.

I can guarantee no time-lines, and any you stumble across is merely tentative. All I can do is give you a rough promise. I have already put the basic format up for the Electronic Portals. I will try to have a rudimentary "WHG" out within a week or two (by the end of JUNE, 1999). These rough prototypes will be later refined to become pure reading heaven (would I make use of hyperbole?...nah...") --WYRM

Electronic Portals

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