There...a good sign, our quarters just off Coop St.
 ...for us Marines.
 ...and Gals.
 Jackie and Toya trying to get to COOP street.
 The Lambert Walk??
 Kate, Jackie, Jackie and Toya in front of the enlistment office
 Aren't we proud Marines? Kate took the pic.
 Christine drooling over Dan's pics.
 Robbel in a doll's house.
 Bribe!! Daniel and his beloved teletubbie baloon.
 The Marines ganging up at Grenada Studios. photo taken by Una
 Heike (Kesina) and Andrea (Scarlett) doing their TT impression.
 Daniel and his newly acquired SAAB comic.
 Heike's HTML Samosa...dedicated to her by yours truly
 Group photo for the record. Photo taken by Una
 Kesina dancing.
 Christine (Jammy Dodger) and David I waiting for the Alien Ride
 Tony, the small fire-breathing dragon, our smallest and youngest Marine ;)
 Exhausted but still smiling
 MrMorpork & Kesina - having a good time....
 Nox forgetting her sprained wrist, drooling over her comic.
 The last Marines standing. Manchester Sunday at about 13:00 pm