27 Aug 1996
updated 20 Feb 1997
In the middle of 1996, a Great Darkness cast its Shadow upon the Known Universe, as Season 2of Babylon 5 drew to a close. Fear and Anxiety ruled the hearts and minds of people across the land,for no one knew when, nor indeed if, JMS the Glorious would return to smile upon them once again.The Long Dark Winter had begun.
A poor lost soul lamented, "What are we to do?", whereupon one of the brethren offered, gamely butsomewhat disconsolately, "We could try reading a good book". And thus was the Novels During the Wait thread born.
Here are the suggestions from that thread, with somepossible omissions from early contributions. I have tried to put them intosome sort of order, based on the comments made. Obviously, most books/seriesonly elicited one or two opinions, and these were sometimes contradictory. Ihave tried to take all opinions into account in ranking the books/series. Itgoes without saying the rankings are pretty rough. Originally, I was goingto include synopses and opinions, but it all got too messy, and not everysuggestion had a synopsis or opinion, anyway.
What's new in '97?
Just about everything:
I hope these additions and changes have made the B5LRL more Fun, Easy and Useful (tm)
Go back to the main aus.sf.babylon5 web page. The first three sections comprise the suggestions of B5ers, and include both novels and series.The fourth section is simply a list of novels which have won both the Hugo and Nebula Awards for "Best SF Novel of the Year". I can assure you any book which wins both awards is a good read. My thanks go to all concerned who helped make this possible. Of course, all omissions and errors are mine and everybody else's. :) While this table may appear truncated, it is current. Politics, perhaps? Go back to the main aus.sf.babylon5 web page. This page was created by Philip Prohm. SF
SectionsDavid Brin Earth Larry Niven Known Space novels and anthologies Isaac Asimov Foundation series ??? B5 #4: Clark's Law Alfred Bester The Demolished Man 53
Orson Scott Card Ender's Game series Frank Herbert Dune 66
Larry Niven Footfall Robert A Heinlein The Moon is a Harsh Mistress 67
Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle The Mote in God's Eye David Brin Uplift series Grant Naylor Red Dwarf novels Vernor Vinge A Fire Upon the Deep 93
James White Sector General series William Gibson Neuromancer 85
Robert A Heinlein Starship Troopers 60
Piers Anthony Bio of a Space Tyrant series ??? B5 #3: Blood Oath L Ron Hubbard Battlefield Earth John Wyndham The Day of the Triffids
ChrysalidsS M Stirling B5 #6: ??? W A Harbinson Projekt Saucer series ??? B5 #1: Voices Lois Tilton B5 #2: Accusations Fantasy
SectionsRobert Jordan Wheel of Time series Roger Zelazny The Amber Chronicles I Terry Pratchett Discworld novels R E Feist and Janny Wurts Empire trilogy Roger Zelazny The Amber Chronicles II R E Feist Serpentwar saga Julian May Pliocene saga Tad Williams anything Janny Wurts anything J R R Tolkien anything Philip Williamson? Firstworld Chronicles Hugh Cook Chronicles of an Age of Darkness series David Gemmell anything Other
SectionsDouglas Adams The Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy (A Trilogy in Five Parts) Sun Tzu The Art of War Tom Clancy anything Dual (Hugo and Nebula) Award winners (novels)
1966 Frank Herbert Dune 1970 Ursula K LeGuin The Left Hand of Darkness 1971 Larry Niven Ringworld 1973 Isaac Asimov The Gods Themselves 1974 Arthur C Clarke Rendezvous with Rama 1975 Ursula K LeGuin The Dispossessed 1976 Joe Haldeman The Forever War 1978 Frederik Pohl Gateway 1979 Vonda McIntyre Dreamsnake 1980 Arthur C. Clarke The Fountains of Paradise 1984 David Brin Startide Rising 1985 William Gibson Neuromancer 1986 Orson Scott Card Ender's Game 1987 Orson Scott Card Speaker for the Dead
Comprehensive listing of SF awards
It is maintained by Alys and was last updated on 5 March, 1996.