The History of the NewsgroupThe aus.sf.babylon5 newsgroup was created by Phil Kernick on 13 February 1995. Writing towards the end of 1996 (when B5 was off the air), he says: |
"I did it because most of the Bab5 traffic was either ending up in aus.sf, aus.sf.startrek, or - or more often cross-posted to all three. I took a poll of all the readers of those newsgroups, and had almost universal support for the creation of the group. It prospered for a while, but when Bab5 was taken off for the first time, it nearly died. Then with the return of the series, it grew again. I hope that with the disappearance of Bab5 again, it will not fall into disuse. I've seen most of season 3, and I *know* that there is going to be a lot to discuss if it ever comes back." |
As we all know it did come back, and the explosion of posts since then has proved Phil right. :)
If you're interested in who posts to aus.sf.babylon5 and how often, go to Brendan O'Dea's list of the Top Ten Posters. This page is for the current month and is updated nightly, but the statistics for previous months are also available. On the page containing all the data collected so far, you'll also find links in the "Total" column that should take you to the author's postings stored in Deja News.
To see pictures of some of the posters and lurkers and to find links to their home pages, go to our Portrait Gallery. |
Go back to the main aus.sf.babylon5 web page.
This page is maintained by Alys and was last updated on
1 May, 1997.