aus.sf.Babylon5 Convention Pictures

Here are some pictures that were taken at Event Horizon II, a recent B5 convention in Brisbane. They feature various denizens of the newsgroup and the guest star, Michael O'Hare, who plays Sinclair in Babylon 5.

left to right standing: Mr Morden, The Troll King, Alys, Michael O'Hare, kristi, Slev, Fearless, John Crnjanin, Venom (I think?)
kneeling: Jeremy Lee, Lucy Zinkiewicz, William Gauvin, Antony West, Jason

left to right standing: Mr Morden, The Troll King, Commander Sinclair, Alys, Lucy Zinkiewicz, Antony West, kristi, Venom, Fearless, Dave Boston
kneeling: William Gauvin, Slev, Scott Barkla, Jason, John Crnjanin

left to right standing: Alys, Valen, kristi
worshipping: various plebians

Last updated: 31 July, 1997.

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