Go to the Table of Contents  Last update: 17 February 1998 
This Web site is associated with the newsgroup aus.sf.babylon5. This is an Australian newsgroup dedicated to the indescribably wonderful science fiction TV series "Babylon 5". If you're new to the group or a lurker, feel free to join in to the discussions. Overseas participants are also welcome, as long as you're careful to not give away spoilers. 

Our Spoiler Policy

Here in Australia we have seen all of seasons 1, 2 and 3 of Babylon 5. Season 4 has only just started being screened in this country. Some of us have seen pirated tapes sent over from the states, so you will find some discussion of advanced season 4 episodes in the newsgroup, but if you wish to post ANYTHING about unscreened episodes, please use a spoiler warning

If you're new to the newsgroup, please read the Spoiler Policy before posting. It contains guidelines for posting articles to aus.sf.babylon5 in a way that will not spoil those of us who have not seen episodes beyond those shown on Australian TV. It has been created in consultation with anyone who expressed an opinion about it. Email me if you'd like to comment upon it.

Table of Contents

An Archive of Amusing Posts
including amongst other things:
* Songs based on Babylon 5
* The Chronicles of the Land of Aus.SF.Babylon5
An Archive of Intelligent Posts
* Comparative Studies of B5 and Star Trek
and much more.
Links to Sites of Interest
The aus.sf.b5 FAQ
by Jason Stokes 
The Alternative FAQ
by Belegdel
Newsgroup Participants:
Portrait Gallery
Convention Photos
The Lust List
The Narn Bat Squad
Episode Guide
with no spoilers
Quotes from Babylon 5 A Little Light Reading for B5ers A Brief History of the Newsgroup
the Top Ten Posters list
B5 Origami

Page Details:

Page creator: Alys ;   my home page:   Grey 19.
Page created on: 30 July 1996
Number of hits since 14th September 1996:      Counter supplied by Web-Counter
I use Netscape Navigator 3.0b6 to view this page. If you have any problems using other browsers, please let me know.
VI Power!

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